RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para attr_extras La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren attr_extras

super_diff 0.12.0

SuperDiff is a gem that hooks into RSpec to intelligently display the differences betwe...

5.936.184 Descargas

renalware-core 2.1.1

Renalware uses demographic, clinical, pathology, and nephrology datasets to improve pat...

287.353 Descargas

coaster 1.4.12

Ruby Core Extensions

149.904 Descargas

banktools-gb 0.13.1

Validate and normalise United Kingdom bank account numbers.

102.454 Descargas

locomotivecms_common 0.5.0

The LocomotiveCMS Common is a shared libraries package

86.528 Descargas

banktools-de 3.1.18

Validate and normalize German Bankleitzahl (BLZ) and bank account numbers. Also it conv...

83.220 Descargas

sie 4.1.2

SIE parser and generator

60.283 Descargas

capistrano-fiesta 2.1.1

Automatically creates a report of merged PRs since last deploy for pasting into slack

41.424 Descargas

formatting 0.0.18

Rails-less formatting for your unit-testable code.

39.855 Descargas

minimapper-extras 0.3.1

Extras for Minimapper.

29.259 Descargas

takes_macro 1.0.1

A faster implementation of `pattr_initialize` from the attr_extras gem

28.188 Descargas

renalware-forms 0.1.15

The home for various forms for external providers eg home care prescriptions

24.009 Descargas

tordist 0.2.0

Gem to generate tordist file

21.965 Descargas

dry-dock 0.2.0

A Dockerfile-replacement DSL for building complex images

18.433 Descargas

textualize 0.4.0

Textualize uses RAML for documentation and comes with scripts to generate template ...

17.992 Descargas

apress-api 1.24.2


17.130 Descargas

autho 0.0.4

A many-stop shop for authentication.

15.279 Descargas

composed_validations 0.0.5

Composes validations onto properties of an object.

12.927 Descargas

bmc 1.5.1


12.491 Descargas

ogam 1.3.2

Wrapper around GAM for common tasks with OGAT's G Suite instance.

12.011 Descargas

wipe_out 1.1.0

Library for removing and clearing data in Rails ActiveRecord models. Allows to define d...

9.665 Descargas

ruby-reports 0.1.0

Make your custom reports from any source to CSV by provided DSL

9.352 Descargas

nygma 0.2.1

Gotham's very own Mr. Nygma, a Rails 4 Encryptor

7.449 Descargas

fiesta 1.2.0

Automatically creates a report of merged PRs since last deploy for pasting into slack

6.836 Descargas

panko 0.0.3

Breadcrumb trails the right way: object-oriented outside the controller.

6.182 Descargas

banktools-at 0.2.1

Validate Austrian bank account numbers.

5.859 Descargas

pr_log 0.3.0

Turn GitHub pull requests into changelog entries

5.818 Descargas


Gem containing Elastic connectors service

5.153 Descargas

barite 0.1.1

RailsRails API patters generator.

4.456 Descargas

log_extractor 0.1.1

Simple tool to extract and parse logs easily from ELK

3.662 Descargas

Total de descargas 8.667.983

Para esta versión 1.912.772



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