RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para datamapper La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren datamapper

orm_adapter 0.5.0

Provides a single point of entry for using basic features of ruby ORMs

184.835.458 Descargas

attr_encrypted 4.0.0

Generates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes transparently

57.903.438 Descargas

attr_encryptor 2.0.0

Generates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes transparently

284.930 Descargas

powerhome-attr_encrypted 1.2.0

Generates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes transparently

179.954 Descargas

tenacity 0.6.0

Tenacity provides a database client independent way of specifying simple relationships ...

71.744 Descargas


PlatformX Gem for PlatformX

71.723 Descargas

restpack-resource 0.1.9

RESTful resource paging, side-loading, filtering and sorting

51.390 Descargas

updater 0.10.1

A job queue which is ORM Agnostic and has advanced Error Handling

46.160 Descargas

importer 0.5.0

Define new objects or modifications of existing ones in external file (xml, csv, etc) a...

33.474 Descargas

spectator-attr_encrypted 1.1.3

Generates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes transparently. This fork i...

32.848 Descargas

fauxsql 0.2.3

And description

32.128 Descargas

json-crud-api 0.1.0

A set of classes to simplify JSON APIs

27.525 Descargas

dm-drupal 0.1.4

A datamapper wrapper for a drupal database.. great for migrations

21.300 Descargas

dm-paperclip-r3 2.4.5

Ken Robertson's dm-paperclip with patches for rails > 3.0.0

19.327 Descargas

verge 0.0.5

Simple system that grants trusted sites tokens if users have successfully authenticated...

18.038 Descargas

rest_in_peace 0.2.1

Minimal web framework with a focus on simplicity. Powered by Sinatra and DataMapper

14.564 Descargas

attr_redactor 0.4.0

Generates attr_accessors that redact certain values in the JSON structure before saving.

13.330 Descargas

rack-noncache 1.0.0

Rack::NonCache is a rack middleware that disables HTTP browser caching.

12.812 Descargas

fox 0.6.3

Commandline interface and library to the Fox Scientific Paper Suite

12.783 Descargas

deployments-app 0.0.9

deployments - app it's a sinatra application, you can run it as standalone app on the h...

7.770 Descargas

universe-db 0.1.1

gem install universe-db

7.497 Descargas

sinatra-datamapper 0.0.2

Easily integrate DataMapper with Sinatra

6.227 Descargas

allsum-client 0.1.0

Compute MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and fuzzyhash (CTPH) of specified filetypes in specified dire...

5.761 Descargas

database_cleaner-data_mapper 1.8.0

Strategies for cleaning databases using DataMapper. Can be used to ensure a clean state...

5.259 Descargas

dm_is_a_tree 0.2.0

A plugin for DataMapper that allows model objects to be a part of a heirarchal tree str...

5.077 Descargas

dm-machinist 0.0.1

dm-machinist is a datamapper adapter for machinist 2.0

4.990 Descargas

packo 0.0.1.alpha.2

A really flexible package manager, inspired by portage and pacman.

4.812 Descargas

codify 0.1.0

Transparently encodes text before saving to your database.

4.350 Descargas

orm_adapter_rails4_fix 0.4.1

Provides a single point of entry for using basic features of ruby ORMs

3.900 Descargas

my_enginery 0.2.8

Stuff Builder for Espresso Framework

3.699 Descargas

Total de descargas 474.741

Para esta versión 250.281



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
