RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for devise Latest version of the following gems require devise

authegy 0.0.3

Opinionated app strategy used for authentication & role-based authorization.

5,354 下載

two_factor_auth 0.2.0

TwoFactorAuth makes it easy to set up two-factor authentication for your users, whether...

5,305 下載

effective_reports 0.4.6

A dynamic ActiveRecord report builder

5,292 下載

sapna_gale_test_auth_devise 1.0.1

Provides authentication and authorization services for use with sapna_gale_test by usin...

5,291 下載

appyantra_admin 0.0.1

Rails 3 engine for managing an app's assets, users, pages, blog, SEO and Social Media I...

5,259 下載

devise_ldap_norm 0.2.0

Devise extension to allow authentication via LDAP, No ORM

5,163 下載

bbq-devise 0.4.0

Devise integration for bbq.

5,128 下載

project_basic 0.1.3

setup basic project

5,100 下載

express_access 1.0.0.b

Gain fined tuned control over what users are permitted to see and do in your application.

5,008 下載

devise_oauth2_fb_canvas 0.0.1

Devise OAuth2 Facebook extension

4,994 下載


This gem maintains fixes to support the original gem. The redactor-rails gem integrates...

4,985 下載

jwt_auth 0.2.0

Json Web Token Authentication for devise users. It can be use for APIs.

4,978 下載


A stocks and Options Trading Bot.

4,934 下載

engine_room 0.5.0

EngineRoom aims to be a simple to use, unobtrusive admin interface for rails applicatio...

4,909 下載

devise_sms_activable 0.0.9

It adds support for sending activation tokens via SMS and accepting them.

4,858 下載

devise_meteor 0.1.1

This app closes the gap between the huge world of ruby and meteor through devise. Simpl...

4,768 下載


For use with client side single page apps such as the venerable

4,757 下載

benmanns-atreides 2.0.4

Atreides is an engine providing a evented CMS following a KISS principle

4,753 下載

devise_oauth2_token_bearer_authenticatable 0.0.1

add OAuth2 authentication to rails3 application

4,724 下載

commenter_mongoid 0.1.0

Handles adding comments to models in a very simple way.

4,723 下載

elucid-rails_admin 0.0.1

RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your d...

4,684 下載

devise_oauth2_facebook_mongoid 0.1.0

Devise OAuth2 Facebook extension for rails 3 and mongoid

4,682 下載

drewda_rails_admin 0.0.1

RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your d...

4,679 下載

devise_certifiable 0.1.0

New sign ups need to be certified before they can sign in

4,673 下載

devise_password_changable 0.1.0

Extension for devise to provide password change without using registerable.

4,671 下載

jackpot 0.0.3

Billing for rack apps

4,670 下載

effective_mailchimp 0.5.1

Subscribe and unsubscribe to mailchimp lists.

4,637 下載

devise-dummy_authenticable 0.0.1

Devise strategy for use with your Rails engine

4,632 下載

devise_auditable 0.0.1

Auditing Plugin for Devise

4,597 下載

lperichon-devise_invitable 0.3.0

It adds support for send invitations by email (it requires to be authenticated) and acc...

4,575 下載

總下載次數 190,155,889

這個版本 103,172



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.1.0
