RubyGems Navigation menu

dm-migrations 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 dm-migrations

data_mapper 1.2.0

Faster, Better, Simpler.

1,667,674 下载

dm-sqlite-adapter 1.2.0

Sqlite3 Adapter for DataMapper

1,651,762 下载

dm-postgres-adapter 1.2.0

PostgreSQL Adapter for DataMapper

1,068,767 下载

engineyard-cloud-client 2.1.1

This gem connects to the EY Cloud API

678,822 下载

dm-mysql-adapter 1.2.0

MySQL Adapter for DataMapper

678,100 下载

datamapper 1.2.0

Faster, Better, Simpler.

474,948 下载

merb_datamapper 1.1.3

Merb plugin that provides support for datamapper

231,629 下载

dm-persevere-adapter 0.72.0

A DataMapper Adapter for persevere

223,917 下载

dm-devise 2.2.1

dm-devise adds DataMapper support to devise ( fo...

203,604 下载

merb-admin 0.8.8

MerbAdmin is a Merb plugin that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data

166,220 下载

sinatra_warden 1.0.0

basic helpers and authentication methods for using warden with sinatra also providing s...

103,554 下载

opentox-ruby-api-wrapper 1.6.5

Ruby wrapper for the OpenTox REST API (

97,968 下载

ncs_mdes_warehouse 0.14.0

Scripts and models for building and maintaining the MDES-based reporting warehouse for ...

92,550 下载

firefly 1.5.3

Firefly is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby an...

88,327 下载

dm-ldap-adapter 0.4.8

ldap adapter for datamapper which uses either net-ldap or ruby-ldap

85,213 下载

dm-zone-types 0.3

Timezone aware datatypes for DataMapper

82,736 下载

dm-sql-finders 0.0.3

dm-sql-finders add #by_sql to your DataMapper models and provides a clean mechanism for...

82,471 下载

dm-postgres-types 0.0.6

Adds support for native PostgreSQL datatypes, including JSON, HSTORE, and Array to Data...

80,824 下载

dm-xml-adapter 0.587

a XML adapter for DataMapper. this adapter allows you to use DataMapper with XML files ...

80,577 下载

tmin 0.2.6

tminusit is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby a...

67,355 下载

dm-rspec 0.3.0

RSpec matchers for DataMapper

59,065 下载

dm-yaml-adapter 1.2.0

YAML Adapter for DataMapper

51,432 下载

sinatra-authentication 0.4.1

Simple authentication plugin for sinatra.

50,647 下载

ixtlan 0.4.3

this is set of rails and datamapper plugins for setting up a little more advanced rails...

50,525 下载

carrierwave-datamapper 0.2.2

Datamapper support for CarrierWave

50,103 下载

dm-paperclip 2.5.0

File attachments as attributes for DataMapper, based on the original Paperclip by Jon Y...

49,433 下载

dm-oracle-adapter 1.2.0

Oracle Adapter for DataMapper

41,067 下载

opentox-ruby 4.0.0

Ruby wrapper for the OpenTox REST API (

39,095 下载

dm-postgis 2.0.1

Adds DMGeometry type to DataMapper that uses GeoRuby for (de)serializing Geometry types...

38,505 下载

dm-sqlserver-adapter 1.2.0

Microsoft SQL Server Adapter for DataMapper

38,467 下载

下载总量 3,247,128

这个版本 2,864,330


需要的 Ruby 版本:
