RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for her Latest version of the following gems require her

quandl_client 2.13.0

An orm for the cassinatra rest interface.

209,986 下載

looksist 0.3.12

Redis backed lookup for your models

117,002 下載

boletosimples 2.1.0

Boleto Simples API wrapper.

101,403 下載

userbin 1.7.1

Secure your application with multi-factor authentication, user activity monitoring, and...

94,454 下載

quandl_cassinatra 0.2.3

An orm for the cassinatra rest interface.

87,339 下載

mno-enterprise-core 3.4.0

Core functionnality of MNOE. This handles the core functionnality.

55,592 下載

rancher-api 0.7.0

Ruby gem to easily connect to Rancher API. Via this gem you can do anything that API le...

43,708 下載

her-webmock 0.1.4

Easier request stubbing for Her::Model with webmock.

42,999 下載

her-kaminari 0.0.4

Makes Her aware of APIs that return pagination headers.

31,127 下載

comptroller 0.0.8

Client gem for accessing the duxtape api

27,865 下載

cognitive_faculty 3.1.1

Ruby gem for the Cognitive Faculty API.

24,526 下載

webistrano_cli 0.0.8

Allow to deploy projects from webistrano via console

20,313 下載


An ActiveRecord-like interface to the Rooftop CMS JSON API

19,611 下載

norseal-api 0.1.7

This middleware uses Her & Faraday for consuming the Norseal Api

17,734 下載

jump_cloud 0.1.0

JumpCloud API

14,694 下載

tumbz 0.0.5

Ruby wrapper for the API

14,587 下載

redmine-ruby 0.2.1

Ruby Redmine Client using Her

12,475 下載

ship_station 0.0.7

Shipstation API

12,360 下載

verse-ruby 0.2.1

Provides appropriately mapped model resources for the Verse API.

11,325 下載


A client library for the Spektrix ticketing system. Requires a Spektrix user account.

10,513 下載

securevideo-api 0.4.0


9,423 下載

ars-medium 0.2.0

Ruby Web Client that syncs with most models

9,332 下載

georeferencer 0.1.6

A Ruby client for Georeferencer

9,176 下載

parasut-v4 1.0.3

Parasut client.

7,221 下載

openfire-ruby 0.1.2

Ruby client for the REST API plugin of Openfire.

7,211 下載

marvel 0.1.0

Ruby Marvel Comics API library

6,459 下載

parasut 0.14.4

Parasut client.

6,099 下載

playfair_app 0.0.2

Official gem to interact with

6,043 下載

paginated_her 0.2.1

Adds metadata pagination to Her

5,882 下載

ember_data_active_model_parser 0.0.2

A parser that enables Her to consume data exposed through active_model_serializers and ...

5,850 下載

總下載次數 5,253,807

這個版本 1,592,743



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
