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Dépendances inversées pour padrino-core Latest version of the following gems require padrino-core

padrino-mailer 0.15.3

Mailer system for padrino allowing easy delivery of application emails

1 425 017 Téléchargements

padrino-gen 0.15.3

Generators for easily creating and building padrino applications from the console

1 416 840 Téléchargements

padrino-admin 0.15.3

Admin View for Padrino applications

1 406 076 Téléchargements

padrino 0.15.3

The Godfather of Sinatra provides a full-stack agnostic framework on top of Sinatra

1 369 864 Téléchargements

padrino-cache 0.15.3

Caching support for memcached, page and fragment

1 234 318 Téléchargements

pact_broker 2.109.1

A server that stores and returns pact files generated by the pact gem. It enables head/...

436 835 Téléchargements

rspec-padrino 0.3.0

rspec-padrino is a gem including helpers for testing a Padrino app using RSpec. Taking ...

75 762 Téléchargements

padrino-cookies 0.1.2

A plugin for the Padrino web framework which adds support for Rails like cookie manipul...

55 873 Téléchargements

padrino-routing 0.5.0

Enhances padrino with a named route mapping system allowing for advanced routes

55 041 Téléchargements

beans-middleman 1.0.14

A static site generator utilizing Haml, Sass and providing YUI compression and cache bu...

39 310 Téléchargements

padrino-assets 0.3.1

A plugin for the Padrino web framework which uses Sprockets to manage and compile assets

27 171 Téléchargements

padrino-flash 0.2.0

A plugin for the Padrino web framework which adds support for Rails like flash messages

25 845 Téléchargements

padrino-pipeline 0.4.0

The Padrino asset management system allowing frictionless serving of assets

18 386 Téléchargements

padrino-csrf 0.1.1

A plugin for the Padrino web framework which adds CSRF protection

14 419 Téléchargements

howl-router 0.3.0

A http router for Rack and Padrino.

11 906 Téléchargements

padrino-decorator 0.0.4

Object-Oriented layer of presentation logic to your Padrino apps.

11 441 Téléchargements

tight-engine 0.0.3

Tight engine for Swift CMS

7 896 Téléchargements

padrino-fields 0.3.3

Smart fields for your forms, similar to Formtastic or SimpleForm

4 606 Téléchargements

padrino-cms 0.1.1

Content fragments, components and pages for Padrino applications

4 378 Téléchargements

padrino-auth 0.0.12

Lean authorization and authentication modules for Padrino framework

4 006 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 1 832 308

Pour cette version 75 616



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0

Required Rubygems Version: >= 1.3.6
