RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for redcarpet Latest version of the following gems require redcarpet

watir-rails 2.3.0

Use Watir ( in Rails.

794,103 下載

abstract_method 1.2.1

Abstract Method is a tiny library enabling you to define abstract methods in Ruby class...

776,101 下載

keepass-password-generator 0.1.1

Generate passwords using KeePass password generator patterns

741,949 下載

adobe_connect 1.0.12

An API wrapper for interacting with Adobe Connect services.

724,153 下載

sensu-plugins-docker 4.0.0

This plugin provides native Docker instrumentation for mo...

719,346 下載

appengine 0.7.0

The appengine gem is a set of classes, plugins, and tools for integration with Google A...

714,847 下載

ztk 3.3.2

Zachary's Tool Kit contains a collection of reusable classes meant to simplify developm...

708,149 下載

contentful_model 1.3.0

An ActiveModel-like wrapper for the Contentful SDKs

679,370 下載

sensu-plugins-aws 18.6.0

This plugin provides native AWS instrumentation for monit...

654,037 下載

sensu-plugins-vmstats 2.0.0

This plugin provides native `vmstats` instrumentation for...

636,836 下載

sensu-plugins-uptime-checks 3.2.0

This plugin provides native uptime instrumentation for me...

634,406 下載

ruby-keychain 0.4.0

Ruby wrapper for OS X's keychain

617,908 下載

sensu-plugins-ssl 3.0.2

This plugin provides native SSL instrumentation for monit...

615,216 下載

resolv-srv 0.0.2

This gem patches the Resolv::DNS class in stdlib to include a method to resolve and ite...

611,081 下載

govuk_design_system_formbuilder 5.3.1

This library provides view components for the GOV.UK Design System. It makes creating s...

596,255 下載

groonga-command 1.5.3

Groonga-command is a library that represents [Groonga]('s command. ...

583,091 下載

rautomation 2.0.1

RAutomation is a small and easy to use library for helping out to automate windows and ...

579,059 下載

rautomation 2.0.1

RAutomation is a small and easy to use library for helping out to automate windows and ...

579,059 下載

sensu-plugins-dns 3.0.0

This plugin provides native DNS instrumentation for monit...

565,436 下載

luffa 2.1.0

Tools for testing the Calabash Toolchain locally, on Travis CI, and Jenkins

564,480 下載

roboto 1.0.1

A Rails Engine to help with robots.txt

559,189 下載

groonga-client 0.6.9

Groonga-client gem supports HTTP or [GQTP (Groonga Query Transfer Protocol)](http://gro...

556,497 下載

sidekiq-throttler 0.5.1

Sidekiq middleware that adds the ability to rate limit job execution.

551,472 下載

keynote 1.1.1

A presenter is an object that encapsulates view logic. Like Rails helpers, presenters h...

545,287 下載

ftpd 2.1.0

ftpd is a pure Ruby FTP server library. It supports implicit and explicit TLS, IPV6, p...

538,502 下載

sensu-plugins-mysql 3.2.0

This plugin provides native MySQL instrumentation for mon...

533,587 下載

sensu-plugins-puppet 3.0.0

This plugin provides native Puppet instrumentation for mo...

533,286 下載

sensu-plugins-haproxy 2.0.3

This plugin provides native HAProxy instrumentation for m...

531,663 下載

codeclimate 0.96.0

Code Climate command line tool

515,659 下載

representors 0.0.5

Crichton Representors is a library containing serializers and deserializers to and from...

485,763 下載

總下載次數 84,909,744

這個版本 9,045,786



Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.9.2
