RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour toys Latest version of the following gems require toys

filewatcher 2.1.0

Detect changes in file system. Works anywhere.

1 348 633 Téléchargements

r18n-core 5.0.1

R18n is a i18n tool to translate your Ruby application. It has nice Ruby-style synt...

629 394 Téléchargements

r18n-desktop 5.0.1

A i18n tool to translate your desktop application in several languages. It is just ...

350 358 Téléchargements

sinatra-r18n 5.0.2

A Sinatra extension that provides i18n support to translate your web application. I...

337 064 Téléchargements

flame 4.18.1

Use controller's classes with instance methods as routing actions, mounting its in appl...

185 243 Téléchargements

r18n-rails-api 5.0.0

R18n backend for Rails I18n and R18n filters and loader to support Rails translatio...

162 748 Téléchargements

r18n-rails 5.0.0

Out-of-box R18n support for Ruby on Rails. It is just a wrapper for R18n Rails API ...

155 254 Téléchargements

module_methods 0.1.0

Extendable module for modules with instance and class methods. These modules can be inc...

153 296 Téléchargements

wgit 0.11.0

Wgit was primarily designed to crawl static HTML websites to index and search their con...

55 059 Téléchargements

alt_memery 2.1.0

Alt Memery is a gem for memoization. It's a fork of Memery with implementation via `Unb...

42 615 Téléchargements

gorilla_patch 5.0.1

Refine Ruby Core classes with methods like Active Support.

33 093 Téléchargements

flame-flash 2.3.3

Show messages (notifies, errors, warnings) in current or next routes after redirect.

30 295 Téléchargements

faraday-encode_xml 1.0.0

Faraday middleware for encoding requests as XML.

25 366 Téléchargements

flame-r18n 2.3.1

Flame extension which provides i18n support to translate your web application. It is a ...

25 108 Téléchargements

filewatcher-cli 1.1.0

CLI for Filewatcher.

20 329 Téléchargements

formalism-model_forms 0.10.1

Standard Formalism forms for Sequel Models, such like create, find, delete, etc.

12 443 Téléchargements

formalism 0.5.1

Simple actions and complex forms with validations, nesting, etc.

10 939 Téléchargements

formalism-r18n_errors 0.5.1

Errors for Formalism via R18n.

9 504 Téléchargements

filewatcher-matrix 1.0.0

Spawn Filewatchers from file with path-command matrix.

8 469 Téléchargements

gem_generator 0.4.0

Generator for gems.

6 276 Téléchargements

flame-pagination 0.3.0

Pagination for Flame application with Formalism forms.

6 064 Téléchargements

faraday-parse_dates 0.1.1

Parse dates from response.

5 757 Téléchargements

formalism-sequel_transactions 0.4.0

Sequel transactions inside Formalism forms.

5 514 Téléchargements

project_generator 0.3.0

Base for various CLI generation tools.

4 375 Téléchargements

flame-raven_context 0.1.2

Helper class for Sentry reports via `sentry-raven` gem from Flame web applications.

2 297 Téléchargements

filewatcher-spinner 1.0.0

An ASCII spinner in console for Filewatcher.

2 068 Téléchargements

gcf 0.0.1

The gcf gem is a set of classes, plugins, and tools for integration with Google Cloud F...

1 949 Téléchargements

flame-sentry_context 0.3.1

Helper class for Sentry reports via `sentry-ruby` gem from Flame web applications.

1 822 Téléchargements

filewatcher-access 1.0.0

Add `access` event for Filewatcher (where it's supported).

710 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 948 467

Pour cette version 95 761



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.4.0
