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aspose_ocr_cloud 1.0.2

Aspose.OCR for Cloud is a cloud-based REST API for optical character recognition and do...

7,411 下載

asposeocrjava 0.0.1

AsposeOcrJava is a Ruby gem that helps working with optical character & marker reco...

3,350 下載

aspose_omr_cloud 18.8.0

Aspose.OMR for Cloud is a REST API that helps you to perform optical mark recognition i...

2,285 下載

aspose_pdf_cloud 24.4.0

Aspose.PDF Cloud is a REST API for creating and editing PDF files. Most popular feature...

80,617 下載

asposepdfjava 0.0.2

AsposePdfJava is a Ruby gem that helps working with PDF documents using Aspose.Pdf for ...

6,057 下載

asposeslides 0.0.4

asposeslides is a Ruby gem that can help working with aspose libraries

13,697 下載

aspose_slides_cloud 24.3.0

SDK for Aspose.Slides Cloud

54,753 下載

asposeslidesjava 0.0.2

AsposeSlidesJava is a Ruby gem that helps working with Microsoft PowerPoint and OpenOff...

6,363 下載

aspose_storage_cloud 18.6

This SDK allows you to work with Aspose.Storage Cloud REST APIs in your Ruby applicatio...

10,835 下載

aspose_tasks_cloud 1.0.2

Aspose.Tasks for Cloud is a REST API for manipulating Microsoft Project documents in th...

7,292 下載

asposetasksjava 0.0.1

AsposeTasksJava is a Ruby gem that helps working with Microsoft Project documents using...

3,410 下載

aspose_words_cloud 24.4.0

This SDK allows you to work with Aspose.Words Cloud REST APIs in your Ruby applications...

87,895 下載

asposewordsjavaforruby 0.0.5

AsposeWordsJavaforRuby is a Ruby gem that helps working with Microsoft Word and OpenOff...

16,912 下載

asproject 0.1.118

AsProject is a templating system for creating new projects and new classes (or files) w...

140,476 下載

aspsms 0.99 SMS gateway library and client

18,222 下載

asq 0.1.3

My jekyll theme for my github pages blog

3,634 下載

asrake 0.14.1

A Rake-based library for quickly and easily creating build scripts for Actionscript 3, ...

52,109 下載

as_range 0.1.0

Quickly generate ranges from object methods or from procs.

2,033 下載

as_readonly 1.0.0

Safely expose collections as readonly objects

5,643 下載

asrt 0.1.1

Allows you to assert things to be true in your code.

16,152 下載

as-ruby-vault-tool 0.1.0

as-ruby-vault-tool is a wrapper for as-vault-tool

2,616 下載

ass 0.0.25

Apple Service Server written with Sinatra and Sequel(Sqlite3)

58,722 下載

ASS 0.1.0

Asynchronous Service Stages for Distributed Services

7,234 下載

ass2srt 0.0.1

ASS (Advanced Sub Station Alpha) file converter to srt file

6,894 下載

assaf-buildr 1.3.4

A build system that doesn't suck

6,984 下載

assaf-presenter 0.1.0

Add later ...

3,933 下載

assaf-scrapi 1.2.1

scrAPI is an HTML scraping toolkit for Ruby. It uses CSS selectors to write easy, maint...

3,919 下載

assaf-uuid 2.0.2

UUID generator for producing universally unique identifiers based on RFC 4122 (http://w...

13,068 下載

assassin 1.4.2

no zombies ever, not even on `exit!` or `kill -9`

5,778 下載

assay 0.4.1

Assay defines assertions in the same way that Ruby defines exceptions. Each type of ass...

18,843 下載