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ckeditor 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 ckeditor

mokio 2.0.8

Mokio is a Content Management System that allows creation of sophisticated websites...

27,457 下載

rooler 0.0.11

send emails based on results of a class method

27,121 下載

rails_admin_image_manager 0.1.34

Image manager for RailsAdmin and CKEditor.

26,622 下載



24,303 下載

rtc_datatable 0.0.6

Rich Table Component with advanced search, export file, and generate recapitulation

17,554 下載

beerify 0.2.0

The rails engine which lets you the time to drink some beers!

17,550 下載

deluxe_publisher 0.0.6

Content Management System for Rails 3 Created by Paul @ Deluxe Digital Media

16,065 下載

deluxe_publisher 0.0.6

Content Management System for Rails 3 Created by Paul @ Deluxe Digital Media

16,065 下載

lcms-engine 0.5.5

Implements common components and features for Rails-based LCMS systems

15,585 下載

content_block 0.0.5

Content blocks in Rails

15,374 下載

mcms_blog 1.0.0

his is a gem for creating blogs, managing blog posts, categories, commenting. This is m...

14,252 下載

chive 0.2.3

Blog plugin for Rails

12,932 下載

activeadmin_ckeditor 0.0.3

A plugin that allows you to easily drop Ckeditor into ActiveAdmin.

11,293 下載

cortex-field_types-core 0.2.3

The combined set of Core FieldTypes for the Cortex CMS platform

10,572 下載

rdcms 1.0.28

This is the Basic Module of Rdcms. It Offers Devise, ActiveAdmin, an Article-Module, a ...

8,886 下載


Coalla CMS gem

8,017 下載

web_admin 0.1.0

Sistema administrativo para site

7,556 下載

et_cms 0.0.2

Cms that uses devise, ckeditor, and the twitter bootstraps

7,309 下載

nulogyrefineryfrontendeditor_ckeditor 0.0.5

This is an editor for any rails application

6,382 下載

adminlte2assets-rails 1.0.1

AdminLTE is a premium Bootstrap theme for Backend.

6,078 下載

cms9 0.2.1

Small CMS Admin module for Rails

5,405 下載

ckeditor-outsourced 1.1.0

Don't install CarrierWave in every application, keep it in one place.

3,915 下載

yaw 0.0.2

Unlike a complete wiki engine, yaw is a wiki library to be embeded in your rails ap...

3,493 下載

translation_cms 0.1.5

Translation CMS based on WritersCms api v2(t#3)

2,041 下載

總下載次數 9,173,475

這個版本 658,069



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
