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data_mapper 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 data_mapper

dm-sorting 0.2

DataMapper plugin providing your models a default sorting method

6,519 下載

hawx-alexandria 0.1.1

An ebook library manager, with one-way kindle syncing.

6,495 下載


Your Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!

6,021 下載


Your Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!

5,791 下載

integrity-integrity 0.1.10

Your Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!

5,749 下載

kaminari-data_mapper 0.1.0

Kaminari DataMapper adapter

5,615 下載

calm 0.0.1

Publish objects on the web.

5,371 下載

authoritarian 0.1.0

A command line OAuth authorization tool.

5,317 下載

tentd 0.0.1

Tent Protocol server reference implementation

5,293 下載

lightswitch-schedules 0.0.2

Create and persist schedules (such as daily and weekly) that lightswitch can use to tur...

5,238 下載

grudge 0.1.0

Grudge is a stand-alone system, which means you run it on your own, that watches the co...

4,831 下載

pivotal_db 0.1.1.pre

Pull a Pivotal Tracker project into an sqlite DB and provides basic search functionalit...

4,539 下載

boardie 0.0.1

Simple status display board for Redmine

4,460 下載

inquisitor 0.1.1

Monitoring daemon with simple web UI.

4,358 下載

tent-status 0.0.1

Tent app for 140 character posts. Uses Sinatra/Sprockets + CoffeeScript

4,235 下載

dm_wordnet 0.1.0

4,060 下載

myhelper 1.0.0

All the helpers and thingies that are needed for my sinatra apps

3,325 下載


Your Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!

3,279 下載

thumblemonks-grudge 0.1.0

Grudge is a stand-alone system, which means you run it on your own, that watches the co...

3,275 下載

vcap_services_base 0.2.10

Base class/module to develop CloudFoundry service

3,252 下載

kaminari-surface 0.1.0

An extension to Kaminari pagination that brings the final page of a search results to t...

3,249 下載

staticd 0.0.1

Staticd API and HTTP service to manage and serve staticd content over HTTP

3,144 下載

fias_reader 0.1.0

FIAS reader

3,137 下載

dm-grape-hypertext_application_language 0.0.0

Data Mapper and Grape extensions for Hypertext Application Language

3,028 下載

penelope-core 0.0.1

Penelope Core library

2,264 下載

encipher 0.0.1a

Secure secrets management description!

2,121 下載

總下載次數 1,669,516

這個版本 1,514,738


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