RubyGems Navigation menu

jsonpath 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 jsonpath

traject_plus 2.0.0

Extensions to Traject for non-MARC formats

48,320 下載

alephant-support 0.0.7

Supporting classes for the alephant framework

48,311 下載

embulk-parser-json 0.0.7

Json parser plugin is Embulk plugin to fetch entries in json format with jsonpath.

46,934 下載

arii 1.8

ARiiP: integrate everything. Automated real-time integration & interoperability pla...

45,312 下載

hash19 0.1.1

Hash helpers to map complex JSON to ruby objects. Handles associations and eager loadin...

39,452 下載

skink 0.7.2

A Ruby DSL for testing REST APIs.

37,426 下載

data_collector 0.51.0

INPUT, FILTER, OUTPUT data with RULES and code

36,089 下載

floe 0.11.2

Simple Workflow Runner.

32,637 下載

idcfcloud 1.1.7


31,786 下載

c66-copper 0.0.7

Copper is a tool to validate configuration files

27,260 下載

chaoite 0.1.10

A monitoring data collector that can poll services over http or run shell commands and ...

26,138 下載

sensu-plugins-influxdb-q 0.0.9

This plugin provides facilities for running queries against InfluxDB

23,529 下載

embulk-filter-expand_json_array 0.1.1

Expand Json Array

23,292 下載

i2x 0.1.1

i2x: integrate everything. Automated real-time integration framework.

21,890 下載

spectre-core 1.14.6

A DSL and command line tool to describe and run automated tests

20,869 下載

shokkenki-support 1.1.0

Shared support for Shokkenki consumers and providers.

18,235 下載

gargor 1.0.1

An auto-tuning tool for internet servers w/ Genetic Algorithm and Chef. You can get goo...

18,182 下載

shokkenki-provider 1.2.0

Example-driven consumer-driven contracts. For providers.

17,880 下載

rack-logjam 0.2.1

Logs helpful HTTP information on Rack requests.

17,436 下載

openc3 5.16.2

OpenC3 provides all the functionality needed to send commands to and receive data f...

17,361 下載

itesttool 0.1.1

End-to-End Test tool for web api.

17,072 下載

cloud-toaster 1.1.6

A tool for automated testing and debugging of automation scripts (e.g., Chef).

14,820 下載

http_baseline 2.0.4

Baseline library

13,516 下載

cucumber-rest-api 0.4

Cucumber steps to easily test REST-based XML and JSON APIs

12,907 下載

owasp-pipeline 0.8.7

Pipeline detects security vulnerabilities in code.

12,660 下載

fluent-plugin-couch-sharded 0.6.3

CouchDB output plugin for Fluentd event collector, forked to add 'sharding' features

12,394 下載

bjn_inventory 1.7.1

Generate inventory lists based on flexible sources, rules and a standard device model

11,756 下載

sensu-plugins-green-dragon 0.1.7

Custom Sensu plugins used by the Green Dragons

11,706 下載

rmitm 0.0.6

rmitm provides a DSL and useful ruby classes and python scripts for using mitmdump fo...

10,807 下載

blackbriar 0.0.5

If you need to map JSON to other JSON via some kind of mapping then this gem helps you ...

10,288 下載

總下載次數 51,228,095

這個版本 1,988,266



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6
