RubyGems Navigation menu

mutant-rspec 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mutant-rspec

asset_packer 0.3.2

Create an offline version of a HTML file.

13,214 下載

jekyll-latex-block 0.13.2

Renders LaTeX formulas to your site via KaTeX

12,181 下載

govuk-pay-api-client 0.1.5

An API client to handle Govuk Pay interactions

11,863 下載

fixably 0.6.1

Ruby client for the Fixably API

9,181 下載

togl 0.2.0

Multi-strategy feature flags.

8,195 下載

typecheck 0.1.2

Type checking for Ruby methods.

8,132 下載

central-devtools 0.8.4

Shared development tasks for project Central Machine

5,659 下載

YouAreDaChef 0.1.1

Simple AOP library for Ruby.

5,374 下載

orbacle 0.2.1

Language server using engine allowing for smart jump-to-definitions, understanding meta...

5,372 下載

lamassu 0.2.0

Autorization gem based on policy objects and dry-container

5,110 下載

sjp 1.0.1

Slownik Jezyka Polskiego

5,106 下載

typed_map 0.1.0

TypedMap is a Hash with typed keys and values.

4,920 下載

gaddag 0.1.1

Implementation of the GADDAG data structure

3,930 下載

eol-client 1.0.1

API wrapper for Exact Online

3,705 下載

gembuild 1.0.0

Generate PKGBUILDs for ruby gems.

3,597 下載

actors 0.1.0

Actors is a simple library that provides an alternative to pub/sub and actors-model pat...

3,544 下載

permify 0.0.1

Manageable permissions

3,461 下載

lita-virus_total 0.1.0

Use the virus total api to check file hashes and urls

2,904 下載

svarog 0.1.0

Svarog is a gem to help you with definition of service objects

2,100 下載

lirc 0.3.0

lirc client library (focused on sending ir signals

1,610 下載

總下載次數 1,121,334

這個版本 1,435



Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.1

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
