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omniauth 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 omniauth

omniauth-etsy-oauth2 0.2.0

Etsy OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.0

891,926 下載

omniauth-amazon 1.0.1

Login with Amazon OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.0

846,521 下載

omniauth-oktaoauth 0.1.6

OmniAuth OAuth2 strategy for Okta

841,135 下載

omniauth-cas 3.0.0

CAS Strategy for OmniAuth

831,994 下載

omniauth-microsoft_graph 2.0.1

omniauth provider for new Microsoft Graph API

776,399 下載

omniauth-yahoojp 0.2.1

Official OmniAuth strategy for Yahoo! JAPAN.

750,272 下載

omniauth-ldap 2.0.0

A LDAP strategy for OmniAuth.

701,559 下載

omniauth-bitbucket 0.0.2

OmniAuth strategy for Bitbucket.

622,958 下載

omniauth-keycloak 1.5.2

Omniauth strategy for Keycloak

566,451 下載

omniauth-multi-provider 0.4.0

OmniAuth support for multiple providers of an authentication strategy

564,058 下載

omniauth-jira 0.2.0

A JIRA OAuth 1.0a strategy for OmniAuth.

561,268 下載

omniauth-weibo-oauth2 0.5.2

OmniAuth Oauth2 strategy for

541,708 下載

omniauth-azure-activedirectory 1.0.0

Allows developers to authenticate to AAD

524,582 下載

gds-sso 19.1.0

Client for GDS' OAuth 2-based SSO

419,063 下載

omniauth-constantcontact2 1.0.6

OmniAuth Strategy for Constant Contact using OAuth2

398,874 下載

omniauth-google 1.0.2

A Google OAuth strategy for OmniAuth 1.0

387,872 下載

omniauth-saml-cespi 1.3.1

A generic SAML strategy for OmniAuth.

383,528 下載

omniauth-greenhouse 1.3.1

Integrate with Greenhouse with OmniAuth

339,543 下載

user_mgmt 2.1.5

Includes functionality for site-specific registration and third-party authentication st...

313,417 下載

authpwn_rails 0.23.0

Works with Facebook.

313,353 下載

decidim-core 0.28.1

Adds core features so other engines can hook into the framework.

312,500 下載

omniauth-wsfed 0.4.0

OmniAuth WS-Federation strategy enabling integration with Windows Azure Access Control ...

311,693 下載

bullet_train 1.7.10

Bullet Train

310,505 下載

omniauth-xero-oauth2 1.1.0

OAuth2 Omniauth straetgy for Xero API.

306,255 下載

pinterest-api 0.4.0

This gem makes it simple to interact with the official Pinterest REST API

279,699 下載

omniauth-qq-connect 0.2.0

OmniAuth strategy for QQ Connect.

278,152 下載

mumuki-laboratory 9.23.0

Where students practice and receive automated and human feedback.

277,659 下載

omniauth-odnoklassniki 0.0.9

OmniAuth strategy for

272,480 下載

omniauth-google-apps 0.1.0

OmniAuth strategy for Google Apps.

270,086 下載

omniauth-douban-oauth2 0.0.7

OmniAuth OAuth2 strategy for Douban.

267,636 下載

總下載次數 141,876,588

這個版本 2,304,815



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.2

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 1.3.5
