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rails-controller-testing 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 rails-controller-testing

contact_us 1.2.0

A Rails 3+ Engine providing a basic contact form. I used Formtastic to keep things sim...

145,539 下載

adeia 1.0.0

An authorization gem for Rails that allows you to have the complete control of your app.

138,390 下載

dynamic_image 3.0.2

DynamicImage is a Rails plugin that simplifies image uploading and processing

133,378 下載

rails-settings-ui 1.3.5

User interface for manage settings with rails-settings gem

127,708 下載

tb_core 1.5.4

Twice Baked Core Engine

118,345 下載

action_smser 3.4.1

ActionSmser == SMS && ActionMailer. Simple way to use SMS (Short Message Service) in th...

111,762 下載

spree_dev_tools 0.2.3

Spree Developer Tools

108,919 下載

fine_print 6.0.1

FinePrint allows site admins to easily create, update and ask users to sign site agreem...

107,676 下載

hydra-role-management 1.1.0

Rails engine to do user roles in an RDBMS for hydra-head

103,016 下載

wordjelly-auth 1.6.0

Simple authentication solution for any rails app.

93,511 下載

alchemy-devise 7.1.2

Devise based user authentication for AlchemyCMS.

93,458 下載

chaltron 2.0.3

A ready-to-go application with authentication, authorization, logging... with bootstrap...

84,623 下載

qa_server 8.0.1

A rails engine with questioning authority gem installed to serve as an authority search...

80,735 下載

bookingsync_portal 3.0.0

A common base for creating BookingSync portal applications.

77,956 下載

releaf 3.1.0

Administration interface for Ruby on Rails

75,044 下載

smarter_listing 0.6.0

DRY improvements to the fine gem "smart_listing". See

70,639 下載

osc_machete_rails 2.1.2

Build Rails apps to manage batch jobs (currently OSC specific). Provides generators and...

66,893 下載

ddr-core 1.17.0

Models used in the Duke Digital Repository

62,960 下載

zizia 6.0.1

Hyrax importers.

59,855 下載

zizia 6.0.1

Hyrax importers.

59,855 下載

simple_form_attachments 1.2.0

A Rails engine which takes care of creating Attachments using the jQuery File Upload pl...

57,220 下載

plug 0.1.28

Rails engine that can plug/unplug features with notice

56,288 下載

tb_cms 1.3.6

Content management engine for Twice Baked

52,900 下載

menu_builder 0.5

helper and controller macros to define current menu item and also create the menu in view.

52,282 下載

openstax_rescue_from 4.2.0

Common exception `rescue_from` handling for OpenStax sites.

51,616 下載

tb_blog 1.4.4

Twice Baked blogging/news and rss engine.

50,971 下載

azeroth 1.1.0


49,031 下載

aaf-gumboot 2.6.3

Provides a set of shared specs and base generators to ensure that all AAF ruby applicat...

45,674 下載

hyper-react 0.99.6

Write advanced React components in Ruby.

45,369 下載

museum 0.5.8

For organizations that want to market a gem in style, Museum uses APIs to provide you w...

44,197 下載

總下載次數 121,723,339

這個版本 78,644,200



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.2.2
