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ripl 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 ripl

ripl-fresh 0.2.1

Fresh Ruby Enhanced SHell automatically detects, if your current command should be Ruby...

17,942 下载

ripe 0.3.0

Abstraction layer between the MOAB/Torque stack and your pipeline.

17,645 下载

tobias-rack-webconsole 0.1.5

Rack-based console inside your web applications - this is a fork of

17,234 下载

resque-pool-dynamic 0.1.3

A class to dynamically manage number of processes and status in the resque pool with a ...

14,935 下载

ripl-readline-em 0.2.1

Run EventMachine code in a ripl shell asynchronously with readline editing and completion

14,176 下载

ripl-watir 0.0.4

A ripl plugin to provide an interactive shell for creating page objects to build an aut...

12,821 下载

ripl-debug 0.2.0

This ripl plugin automatically starts the debugger whenever an evaled input throws an e...

10,873 下载

mini_strava 0.3.1

A simple client for the strava API

10,805 下载

nirvana 0.1.1

A ruby web shell that has autocompletion and readline behavior. It uses websockets, rep...

8,225 下载

ripl-rocket 0.1.1

Lets you display the ripl result as a comment on the same line.

8,091 下载

ripl-after_rc 0.1.0

This ripl plugin provides a simple way to define blocks which are run after ~/.irbrc is...

8,019 下载

tryruby 0.0.3

Console tutorial tool for Ruby.

7,024 下载

take-a-look 0.2

A try a writing a simple ruby debugger detailed here

6,947 下载

rethinkdb-cli 0.0.2

A rethinkdb cli written in Ruby

5,980 下载

ripl-hijack 0.1.0

This ripl plugin gives you a ripl console to any ruby process using hijack.

4,550 下载

universe-devtools 0.1.1

gem install universe-devtools

4,401 下载

ripl-johnson 0.1.0

A full-featured javscript shell based on johnson a.k.a mozilla's tracemonkey. Since thi...

4,376 下载

ripl-shell_commands 0.1.0

A ripl plugin that allows inline shell commands in the Ripl Shell.

4,347 下载

ripl-padrino 0.0.1

ripl for the padrino framework

4,331 下载

ripl-em 0.1.0

Run EventMachine code in a ripl shell - asynchronously of course

4,226 下载

strava-ruby-cli 0.1.1

Strava API CLI.

3,917 下载

musicbrainz_cli 0.1.0

Command Line Interface for the MusicBrainz database

3,649 下载

dripl 0.0.1

dripl is an interactive terminal for Druid. It allows fetching metadata and constru...

3,625 下载

speci 0.1

Continiusly rspec runner

3,533 下载

ijson 0.0.1

interactively browse large json file

3,439 下载

shellac-repl 0.1.1

shellac is a REPL for Varnish's varnishlog command. It's a simple tool for interactin...

3,255 下载

j4zzcat-utils-rake 0.0.1

Runs rake tasks within docker

3,053 下载

下载总量 1,703,545

这个版本 1,220,132



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0

需要的 RubyGems 版本: >= 1.3.6
