RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para rspec-parameterized La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren rspec-parameterized

itest5ch 2.0.2

5ch (a.k.a. 2ch) reader via

7.340 Descargas

kiriban_getter 0.1.2

Check number whether kiriban

7.018 Descargas

compact_blank 0.1.9999

Adds compact_blank and compact_blank! to Array and Hash

7.016 Descargas

gitlab-rspec 0.0.0

A set of useful helpers to configure RSpec with various stubs and CI configs.

4.391 Descargas

choron_support 0.1.10

By using this library, you can incorporate some useful functions into Ruby on Rails.

4.380 Descargas

gitlab-database-load_balancing 0.0.1

Provides a code on top of existing databases to support read-only replicas.

4.310 Descargas

gitlab-rspec_flaky 0.0.0

This gem provide an RSpec listener that allows to detect flaky examples. See https://do...

4.302 Descargas

stream_stat 0.1.1

A library to aggragate statistics of large data with streaming, less memory.

4.183 Descargas

dio_tests 0.0.1

Do you remember how many tests you have written ?

4.008 Descargas

mure 0.3.0

Encode and decode Base64

3.527 Descargas

kintone-oauth-extension 0.2.2

kintone API client for Ruby.

3.218 Descargas

everything_becomes_f 0.1.0

Everything becomes f.

2.942 Descargas

ssh_sig 0.1.1

# SshSig - SSH signature verification in pure ruby SshSig is a Ruby gem which can be u...

2.892 Descargas

hash_pivot 0.3.1

Pivot hash.

2.853 Descargas

slack_test_reporter 0.0.1

Parse test results from various sources and post reports to Slack

2.261 Descargas

packcr 0.0.8

Parser generator for C or Ruby

2.154 Descargas

active_record_string_encryption 0.1.0

Generates encrypt_string type that transparently encrypt and decrypt string value to Ac...

2.131 Descargas

jon 1.0.1

Permet de cataloguer, restaurer des fichiers photos et vidéos

1.933 Descargas

base_editing_bootstrap 0.7.0

Raccolta di utility per semplificare costruzione cms in rails

1.693 Descargas

vuesfc2js 0.1.1

Extract script part from Vue SFC and convert to JavaScript.

1.413 Descargas

homeconf 0.2.1

Homeconf is a Ruby program to create and manage a single directory for all home directo...

1.410 Descargas

release_feature 0.1.0

Release feature in custom date range.

1.253 Descargas

kramdown-latexish 1.0.3

Kramdown extension for math-heavy document. It provides theorem environments, and easy ...

928 Descargas

openapi_parser_firetail 1.0.0

parser for OpenAPI 3.0 or later

509 Descargas

rrx_dev 0.1.2

Ruby on Rails core development support

327 Descargas

Total de descargas 44.625.027

Para esta versión 1.043.198



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
