RubyGems Navigation menu

table_print 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 table_print

systemd_service_check 1.1.1

This gem provide `ssc` command to check multiple `systemd service` etc on multiple remo...

7,146 下载

boxy 0.2.1

Automates installation of mac computers

7,002 下载

cloud_front_interative_invalidator 0.0.2

Create and show CloudFront invalidations in interactive command

6,776 下载

groove-ey-core 3.6.3

Engine Yard Core API Ruby Client

5,967 下载

docli 0.0.2

Commandline interface for DigitalOcean

5,828 下载

slipsquare 0.2.0

A command line tool for uploading to dropbox.

5,759 下载

live_sql 0.1.1

Interact with psql/sqlite3 database and watch your results change as you type the query.

5,599 下载

crudboy 0.1.5

CRUD code generator using Rails ActiveRecord

5,503 下载

cloudflare_cli 0.0.3.pre.alpha.4

A CLI encapsulating /hopefully/ all of cloudflare's numerous endpoints (as soon as its ...

4,433 下载

terminal_cal 0.2.0

Prints ics calendar events in the terminal

4,099 下载

tushare 0.2.0

Tushare-Ruby is ruby version of [tushare]( TuShare i...

4,013 下载

ampercoin-cli 0.0.1

A command line interface to the cryptocurrency ampercoin

4,003 下载

conjoiner 0.2.1

Manager for cloned git reporitories, automatically sync some of those repositories.

3,803 下载

ocean_commander 0.0.1

Command line tool to manage your Digital Ocean's resources

3,595 下载

drive-ignition 0.0.3

Process manager for distributed applications.

3,257 下载

typekit-cli 0.0.2

A command line interface in Ruby to fetch information about your kits using the public ...

3,112 下载

get_server_data 1.0.0

CLI tool to get server data from various sources

2,942 下载

boston_food_trucks 0.1.0

Print out Boston food trucks to your console.

2,833 下载

athena-cli 0.1.0

A JRuby-powered CLI for Amazon Athena

2,824 下载

mobilis 0.0.5

Generate and scaffold multiple projects and a docker compose file

2,585 下载

sigterm_extensions 0.0.4


2,266 下载

geiyepa 0.1.0

Ranging activities of a repo.

2,134 下载

codebreaker_al 0.1.2

Logic game Codebreacker

2,061 下载

ruby_minitest_analyzer 0.1.2

Analyzes duplicated tests in Ruby Minitest applications

1,969 下载

pry-helper 0.1.3

Pry helpers

1,885 下载

gem_dating 0.1.1

How old is that anyway?

946 下载

codebreaker_al_rg 0.1.0

Logic game Codebreacker

843 下载

codebreacker_al 0.1.0

Logic game Codebreacker

840 下载

codebracker_logic_game 0.1.0

Logic game Codebracker

835 下载

下载总量 24,519,558

这个版本 16,049,330



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
