RubyGems Navigation menu

colorize 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 colorize

guard-coffeelint 0.1.5

Guard plugin for Coffeelint

81,452 下載

raystool 1.2.8

Command line tool to create and manage liferay projects

81,112 下載

symbiont 1.2.0

Symbiont is a framework that allows you to describe your application in terms of ac...

80,993 下載

letters 0.4.1

Letters brings Ruby debugging into the 21st century. It leverages print, the debugger, ...

80,625 下載

flammarion 1.0.1

The nifty Ruby gui toolkit. An easy to use gui toolkit built with scripting in mind.

79,828 下載

cassandra_migrations 1.0.0

A gem to manage Cassandra database schema for Rails. This gem offers migrations and env...

79,589 下載

idlc-sdk-pfm 1.2.2

Provides the pfm executable for idlc-sdk. This gem is part of the IDLC SDK

79,436 下載

clausewitz-spelling 0.2.27

Spellchecker tool for Clausewitz engine files

78,577 下載

mgit 0.5.0

M[eta]Git let's you manage multiple git repositories simultaneously

78,499 下載

quiverstaskrunner 0.1.2492472

Set of modules which defines common tasks to build, deploy C# projects. It also allows ...

78,315 下載

kuby-core 0.20.1

Deploy your Rails app onto Kubernetes the easy way.

77,979 下載

bisu 2.3.0

Bisu manages your app iOS and Android localization files for you. No more copy+paste in...

75,797 下載

yawast 0.7.2

YAWAST is an application meant to simplify initial analysis and information gathering f...

75,541 下載

update_repo 0.11.3

A Simple Gem to keep multiple locally-cloned Git Repositories up to date

75,198 下載

XSpear 1.4.1

XSpear is XSS Scanner on ruby gems

75,050 下載

XSpear 1.4.1

XSpear is XSS Scanner on ruby gems

75,050 下載

transrate 1.0.1

a library and command-line tool for quality assessment of de-novo transcriptome assemblies

74,784 下載

git_pr 0.0.14

A tool for listing and merging GitHub pull requests.

74,333 下載

ansible-powerplay 1.4.7

Ansible Powerplay, by way of its DSL, allows you to specify your...

74,330 下載

gurke 3.3.5

An alternative gherkin feature runner inspired by rspec and turnip.

73,824 下載

active_import 0.1.7

Assist with the import of CSV and Excel files into models.

73,801 下載

lightning_sites 1.4.25

Lightning Sites gives you beautifully simple deployment for your ~/Sites folders, inspi...

73,600 下載

gsd-cli 1.1.3

A simple cli for launching dedicated game servers

72,506 下載

bigkeeper 0.9.21

Efficiency improvement for iOS&Android modular development, iOSer&Androider using this ...

72,400 下載

bigkeeper 0.9.21

Efficiency improvement for iOS&Android modular development, iOSer&Androider using this ...

72,400 下載

ig_markets 0.35

Library and command-line client for accessing the IG Markets dealing platform.

71,809 下載

debug_logging 4.0.2

Unobtrusive debug logging for Ruby. NO LITTERING. Automatically log selected methods a...

71,013 下載

photish 0.7.6

Photish is a simple, convention based (but configurable) static photo site generator.

70,795 下載

workhorse 1.2.20

Multi-threaded job backend with database queuing for ruby.

69,390 下載

console_runner 0.3.1

This gem provides you an ability to run any Ruby method from command-line (no any code ...

69,271 下載

總下載次數 127,992,922

這個版本 6,604,498



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
