RubyGems Navigation menu

curb 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 curb

fast-selenium 0.0.1

fast-selenium is add-on Browserstack provides to speed up your tests.

41,641 下载

zumobi 0.0.16

Cross-app notification and exception handling support

40,886 下载

semantics3 0.15

Get access to a constantly updated database of product and price data. See https://sema...

39,218 下载

sly 0.2.4

A small set of tools for working with without leaving the command line.

38,975 下载

crossbrowsify 0.0.13

Cross browser testing integration with browserstack

38,254 下载

endeca 1.5.3

Endeca adapter for use with the Endeca Bridge

38,161 下载

airbrush 0.0.4

Distributed image processing server.

36,993 下载

formatron 0.1.16

AWS/Chef deployment tool based around Chef Server and AWS CloudFormation

36,497 下载

alexa_couchpotato 1.2.1

A sinatra middleware for alexa couhpotato actions.

36,130 下载

polisher 0.11.1

General API and utility scripts to manipulate and query ruby gems and projects after be...

35,931 下载

string_language 0.0.806

Translate and establish language of a string

35,471 下载

acc 0.1.10

Interface for the ACC Device Enrollment Program API

35,271 下载

gfrom 0.2.03

Wrap Google Form within your site

34,614 下载

redmine_remotes 0.16.2

Integração do Redmine com trackers diversos.

34,474 下载

angel_list 0.0.8

wrapper for angel list

34,218 下载

eris 0.0.10

Eris is a gem to help test driving webOS Enyo application development

33,741 下载

sched 0.1.14

Sched ( API client library for Ruby

33,255 下载

crags 2.2.1

A library to help search across multiple craigslist locations.

33,152 下载

leadtune 0.0.9

LeadTune Ruby API Gem

32,650 下载

epodder 0.0.13

Ruby re-do of hpodder

32,490 下载

transip 0.4.3

Ruby gem to use the full TransIP API (v5.0).

32,339 下载

s3_media_server_api 0.1.3

S3MediaServerApi helps you write apps that need to interact with S3 Media Server.

32,140 下载

xrbp 0.2.8

Ruby XRP Tools

31,662 下载

browserstack-fast-selenium 1.0.2

fast-selenium gem to speed up your selenium tests on BrowserStack.

31,325 下载

speedtest_net 0.9.2

Library for testing internet bandwidth using

30,967 下载

speech2text 0.3.6

Super powers of Google wrapped in a nice Ruby interface

30,318 下载

textveloper 0.2.0

Envío de mensajes de texto en Venezuela a tráves del servicio de Textveloper

30,260 下载

jekyll-reposter 0.1.8

Provides a interface for generating posts as a repost from external feeds. Tested with ...

29,992 下载

curldown 2.1.0

A simple tool to parse hosted markdown files into html

29,365 下载

exchange-offline-address-book 0.0.23

Get Exchange Offline Address Book

28,514 下载

下载总量 35,042,131

这个版本 1,161,717



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
