RubyGems Navigation menu

cutest 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 cutest

cisco_decrypt 0.0.1

Decrypt cisco passwords to use the shared secret

4,740 下载

drpentode-scrivener 0.0.3

Scrivener removes the validation responsibility from models and acts as a filter for wh...

4,608 下载

fixed_width_dsl 0.1.1

A DSL to build and use format/sprintf etc without readability issues

4,522 下载

frankrb 0.0.1

Frank tries to demonstrate how to write a basic Sinatra-ish clone.

4,458 下载

tell 0.0.1

(T)hin Ruby Secure Sh(ell).

4,392 下载

rprov 0.0.1

Rprov is a simple command line utility which helps you provision an...

4,390 下载

ruby-monads 0.3.0

Simple and minimalist ruby implementation of some common monads

4,344 下载

mote-debug 0.0.1

Minimal debugging support for mote.

4,208 下载

writ 1.0.0

Tiny implementation of the command pattern, including input validation, using Scrivener.

4,177 下载

bonehead 0.0.1

Retry blocks of code when they raise an exception.

4,164 下载

cuba-sugar-cj 0.3.1

Useful stuff to use with cuba

3,933 下载

cachoo 0.1.0

A quick and dirty way to expire memoization

3,925 下载

preform 0.1.1


3,885 下载

crows 0.1.0

Crows is a micro framework-agnostic library for authorization in Ruby classes. A set of...

3,807 下载

ate 1.0.0

Ate is a minimalist and fast template engine.

3,799 下载

nest-redis 4.0.1

It is a design pattern in key-value databases to use the key to simulate structure, and...

3,772 下载

cesar 0.0.1

JasperReport for ruby MRI enviroments

3,587 下载

jodd 1.0.0

Escapes carriage returns, and single and double quotes.

3,514 下载

translite 1.0.0

Replaces non-ASCII characters with an ASCII approximation.

3,500 下载

pitman 0.0.1

A simple command line tool to help users find unused gems.

3,493 下载

cuba-secure_headers 0.0.1

Secure HTTP headers for Cuba

3,466 下载

ost-job 0.0.1

Job base classes for Ost

3,404 下载

ohm-default 0.0.1

Allows the set of default values for Ohm

3,346 下载

stig 0.1.0

Stig is a small library for property based testing in Ruby.

3,328 下载

json-escape 1.0.0

Escapes JSON special characters: &, <>

3,321 下载

telefon 0.0.1

Formats a number into a US phone number (e.g: (555) 123-9876).

3,290 下载

garfio 1.0.0

With few lines of code, one method compilation and no method missing Garfio with an eas...

3,271 下载

rescata 0.1.1

Microlibrary for rescue exceptions declaratively in your Ruby classes.

3,239 下载

sb 0.1.0

Safe buffers for Mote

3,226 下载

goofy 1.0.2

Goofy is a microframework for web applications(heavily based on Cuba).

3,187 下载

下载总量 147,834

这个版本 20,484




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
