RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour data_mapper Latest version of the following gems require data_mapper

dm-sorting 0.2

DataMapper plugin providing your models a default sorting method

6 479 Téléchargements

hawx-alexandria 0.1.1

An ebook library manager, with one-way kindle syncing.

6 381 Téléchargements


Your Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!

5 980 Téléchargements


Your Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!

5 752 Téléchargements

integrity-integrity 0.1.10

Your Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!

5 712 Téléchargements

kaminari-data_mapper 0.1.0

Kaminari DataMapper adapter

5 592 Téléchargements

calm 0.0.1

Publish objects on the web.

5 349 Téléchargements

authoritarian 0.1.0

A command line OAuth authorization tool.

5 293 Téléchargements

tentd 0.0.1

Tent Protocol server reference implementation

5 273 Téléchargements

lightswitch-schedules 0.0.2

Create and persist schedules (such as daily and weekly) that lightswitch can use to tur...

5 202 Téléchargements

grudge 0.1.0

Grudge is a stand-alone system, which means you run it on your own, that watches the co...

4 810 Téléchargements

pivotal_db 0.1.1.pre

Pull a Pivotal Tracker project into an sqlite DB and provides basic search functionalit...

4 505 Téléchargements

boardie 0.0.1

Simple status display board for Redmine

4 436 Téléchargements

inquisitor 0.1.1

Monitoring daemon with simple web UI.

4 336 Téléchargements

tent-status 0.0.1

Tent app for 140 character posts. Uses Sinatra/Sprockets + CoffeeScript

4 215 Téléchargements

dm_wordnet 0.1.0

4 037 Téléchargements

myhelper 1.0.0

All the helpers and thingies that are needed for my sinatra apps

3 304 Téléchargements


Your Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!

3 253 Téléchargements

thumblemonks-grudge 0.1.0

Grudge is a stand-alone system, which means you run it on your own, that watches the co...

3 252 Téléchargements

vcap_services_base 0.2.10

Base class/module to develop CloudFoundry service

3 229 Téléchargements

kaminari-surface 0.1.0

An extension to Kaminari pagination that brings the final page of a search results to t...

3 228 Téléchargements

staticd 0.0.1

Staticd API and HTTP service to manage and serve staticd content over HTTP

3 123 Téléchargements

fias_reader 0.1.0

FIAS reader

3 115 Téléchargements

dm-grape-hypertext_application_language 0.0.0

Data Mapper and Grape extensions for Hypertext Application Language

3 006 Téléchargements

penelope-core 0.0.1

Penelope Core library

2 242 Téléchargements

encipher 0.0.1a

Secure secrets management description!

2 103 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 1 668 102

Pour cette version 1 513 869



Version de Ruby requise: None
