RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para dm-core La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren dm-core

sinatra_warden 1.0.0

basic helpers and authentication methods for using warden with sinatra also providing s...

103.692 Descargas

opentox-ruby-api-wrapper 1.6.5

Ruby wrapper for the OpenTox REST API (

97.998 Descargas

dm-is-remixable 1.2.0

dm-is-remixable allow you to create reusable data functionality

93.354 Descargas

ncs_mdes_warehouse 0.14.0

Scripts and models for building and maintaining the MDES-based reporting warehouse for ...

92.587 Descargas

dm-is-searchable 1.2.0

A DataMapper plugin for searching

92.203 Descargas

firefly 1.5.3

Firefly is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby an...

88.352 Descargas

dm-parse 0.3.20

An extension to make DataMapper working on

88.226 Descargas

dm-ldap-adapter 0.4.8

ldap adapter for datamapper which uses either net-ldap or ruby-ldap

85.239 Descargas

dm-zone-types 0.3

Timezone aware datatypes for DataMapper

82.749 Descargas

dm-sql-finders 0.0.3

dm-sql-finders add #by_sql to your DataMapper models and provides a clean mechanism for...

82.516 Descargas

dm-is-versioned 1.2.0

DataMapper plugin enabling simple versioning of models

81.409 Descargas

dm-postgres-types 0.0.6

Adds support for native PostgreSQL datatypes, including JSON, HSTORE, and Array to Data...

80.832 Descargas

dm-xml-adapter 0.587

a XML adapter for DataMapper. this adapter allows you to use DataMapper with XML files ...

80.600 Descargas

tmin 0.2.6

tminusit is your own personal URL shortener for your own domain. It's written in Ruby a...

67.432 Descargas

dm-ferret-adapter 1.2.0

Ferret Adapter for DataMapper

66.024 Descargas

rails_dm_datastore 0.2.16

This gem patches all of the problems that appear from running Rails with DataMapper on ...

62.558 Descargas

dm-appengine 0.1.3

A DataMapper adapter for Google App Engine

61.203 Descargas

dm-rspec 0.3.0

RSpec matchers for DataMapper

59.092 Descargas

fabric 0.4.4

Fabric is a small ruby app to perform tasks on servers via SSH. Built around net/ssh an...

57.757 Descargas


Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...

51.891 Descargas

dm-yaml-adapter 1.2.0

YAML Adapter for DataMapper

51.449 Descargas

sinatra-authentication 0.4.1

Simple authentication plugin for sinatra.

50.677 Descargas

ixtlan 0.4.3

this is set of rails and datamapper plugins for setting up a little more advanced rails...

50.541 Descargas

carrierwave-datamapper 0.2.2

Datamapper support for CarrierWave

50.113 Descargas

dm-paperclip 2.5.0

File attachments as attributes for DataMapper, based on the original Paperclip by Jon Y...

49.445 Descargas

dm-restful-adapter 0.0.7

Modular adapter for datamapper to access remote resources restfully

49.322 Descargas

appengine-utils 0.1.8

some helper and util stuff for the jruby wrapper for the google app engine to make life...

41.821 Descargas

dm-mapping 0.7.0

DataMapper plugin that helps you manipulate an existing database. It creates mappings b...

41.557 Descargas

genki-dm-pagination 0.4.0

DataMapper plugin that provides pagination

41.281 Descargas

opentox-ruby 4.0.0

Ruby wrapper for the OpenTox REST API (

39.109 Descargas

Total de descargas 3.675.465

Para esta versión 2.346.123



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
