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Dependencias inversas para docker-api La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren docker-api

hoosegow 1.2.7

Hoosegow provides an RPC layer on top of Docker containers so that you can isolate unsa...

20.234 Descargas

quayio-scanner 0.4.0

Scan for vulnerabilities in running docker containers.

20.099 Descargas

kitchen-docker-api 0.4.0

A Test Kitchen Driver for Docker - docker-api based

19.498 Descargas

docker-stack 0.2.8

Support code and rake tasks for running Rails on top of Dockerized services.

18.735 Descargas

dry-dock 0.2.0

A Dockerfile-replacement DSL for building complex images

18.485 Descargas

docker_boss 0.1.6

DockerBoss monitors docker containers for changes and triggers actions based on these c...

18.378 Descargas

chef-metal-docker 0.4.3

Provisioner for creating Docker containers in Chef Metal.

18.149 Descargas

itamae-plugin-recipe-datadog 0.3.1

Itamae plugin to install datadog-agent.

17.838 Descargas

libroute 0.1.8

Libroute standardises and simplifies the process of running third party libraries

17.685 Descargas

knife-container 0.2.4

Container support for Chef's Knife Command

17.496 Descargas

rrm 0.2.3

Makes updating Gemfile and friends easy for a lot of projects at once.

17.048 Descargas

decking 0.3.0

Decking is a rewrite of the node tool also called decking which provides docker orchest...

16.221 Descargas

cm 0.1.8

Pluggable cloud management framework that provides a simple foundation for deploying an...

16.203 Descargas

docker-porcelain 0.4.0

Porcelain for the Docker API

16.063 Descargas

logstash-filter-docker_metadata 0.1.5

This gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

15.155 Descargas

tsdb_time_series 4.1.2

Provides a set of tools for working with time series data in OpenTSDB data store

15.155 Descargas

scaltainer 0.6.0

A ruby gem inspired by HireFire to autoscale kubernetes controllers and docker services...

14.844 Descargas

proclib 0.2.3

Proclib allows easy management of subprocess with a very high-level interface, with nic...

14.261 Descargas

docker-rake-flow 0.0.5

A workflow helper for using Docker and Rake

14.116 Descargas

flock-sandbox 0.0.7

Write a longer description. Optional.

14.062 Descargas

tiny-presto 0.0.10

Wrapper for Lightweight Presto Cluster

14.000 Descargas

consul_bridge 0.1.5

Discover consul master nodes and join local agent

13.912 Descargas

dev_dock 0.3.1

Manage your development environment (including editor) using docker.

13.557 Descargas

sensu-plugins-docker-checks 0.0.2

This plugin provides facilities for monitoring Docker containers

13.247 Descargas

fluent-plugin-docker_hostname 0.1.4

Output container's hostname for a given docker container's id

13.075 Descargas

go_builder 0.6.0

Go builder is a set of rake tasks for building and testing your go application with Doc...

12.806 Descargas

docker-swarm-sdk 1.2.9

API for creating container clusters and services using Docker Swarm. Includes service,...

12.752 Descargas

tainers 0.3.0

Config-driven management of docker containers

12.547 Descargas

baha 0.2.0

Baha is a command-line utility that assists in the creation of docker images. It addres...

12.252 Descargas

docker-pier 0.1.5

An alternative Docker client for dedicated Docker Swarm clusters

11.914 Descargas

Total de descargas 64.924.596

Para esta versión 9.736.222



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
