RubyGems Navigation menu

dry-monads 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 dry-monads

end_of_life 0.3.0

Searches your GitHub repositores and lists the ones using end-of-life, i.e. unmaintaine...

3,399 下載

rawg_api 0.1.2

A ruby API wrapper for API v1.0

3,226 下載

lode 1.5.0

A monadic store of marshaled objects.

2,888 下載

clear_logic 0.1.1

Clear result

2,767 下載

sourced_config 0.4.0

Load configuration & locales for Rails apps from a remote or local non-repo source.

2,735 下載

canson 0.1.0

grpc based webframework

2,687 下載

ocfl 0.9.1


2,476 下載

smash_ruby 0.2.1

Wrapper for the API

2,392 下載

needful_things 0.1.0

A required hash fields checker

2,381 下載

love_letter_application 0.1.0

Runs the application

2,334 下載

act_as_interactor 0.9.0

Simple and powerful Ruby service objects using dry-rb tools.

2,242 下載

operators-either-service 0.1.0

Service is based on Dry::Monads

2,220 下載

boxenn 3.0.0

A ddd-oriented infrastructure for ruby/rails projects based on the dry-rb ecosystem.

2,092 下載

danger_boss 0.1.0

A client for the alertmanager v1 API.

2,074 下載

rubocop_director 0.3.0

Plan your refactorings properly.

2,048 下載

fss 0.0.1

Handling forms, services and serialization the nice way.

2,039 下載

claim 0.0.1

Rack authentication for JWT-based APIs

2,028 下載

sbmt-kafka_consumer 2.5.0

This gem is used for consuming Kafka messages. It represents a wrapper over Karafka gem...

2,019 下載

wordword 1.0.0

A language-agnostic CLI application for learning new words. You are able to construct t...

1,903 下載

aspen-cli 0.1.2

Aspen is a simple markup language that renders into Cypher. Write narrative data, m...

1,642 下載

active_dry_form 0.1.0

Form validation for Rails with Dry-Validation

1,613 下載

dried_interaction 0.3.1

Just a simple, ready to use interactor implementation with built in validation of input...

1,526 下載

tana 0.6.0

A monadic API client for the Tana Personal Knowledge Management system.

1,516 下載

dryer_services 2.0.1

An extension of the Dry family of gems ( This gem provides a base service c...

1,362 下載

grafana_annotations 0.1.1

Utilities for creating grafana annotations from your ruby application.

1,361 下載

llm_client 0.1.2

Ruby client to connect to LLM Server.

1,065 下載

verifykit 0.1.0

Ruby bindings for VerifyKit REST API. VerifyKit is a service that offers alternative ch...

889 下載

drymm 0.2.1

Drymm maps entities from Dry::Logic & Dry::Types into structs for a serialization purpose.

815 下載

pull_request_ai 0.1.1

Rails Engine that provides pull requests descriptions generated by ChatGPT.

794 下載

auction_fun_core 0.8.10

Practical application of clean architecture in a real business idea using ruby.

789 下載

總下載次數 17,313,848

這個版本 3,249,148



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0
