RubyGems Navigation menu

faraday 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 faraday

comic_vine-api 0.1.1

Interface to ComicVine API

4,432 下載

reevoo 0.0.1

Ruby wrapper around the Reevoo XML API

4,428 下載

contrib-auth 0.5.0

Vendor-agnostic authentication component for Rails APIs

4,427 下載

bawsaq 0.0.1

Library to access GTA V BAWSAQ stock prices

4,423 下載

degiro_client 0.0.4

Ruby Client for the unofficial DeGiro API - working version with all basic methods

4,414 下載

viisp-auth 0.2.0

Lithuanian E-Government Gateway "Elektroniniai valdžios vartai" identity service client.

4,410 下載

eac_envs-http 0.5.1

Put here de description.

4,407 下載

twelve 0.1.0

A complete, simple, and intuitive ruby API for all things Gauges.

4,406 下載

mercadopago-ruby 0.11.0

A Ruby interface to the Mercado Pago API.

4,403 下載

universe-devtools 0.1.1

gem install universe-devtools

4,401 下載

telemetry-snmp 0.3.0

A gem that grabs data from SNMP sources and sends it to Telemetry::AMQP

4,401 下載

faraday_middleware-wsse 0.1.0

WSSE auth middleware for faraday

4,393 下載

towise 0.1.8

FACIADOR is established to make a rise to face&body detection technologies parallel to ...

4,390 下載

coinmarketcap-ruby-client 1.1.1

An actively maintined Ruby Client for CoinMarketCap API

4,390 下載

gitlab-ruby 0.1.2.pre

Ruby client for GitLab API

4,389 下載

epayco 0.0.3

%q{The EPayCo Gem provides methods to create, process and manage payment.}

4,386 下載

appfirst 0.0.1

A ruby client for the AppFirst API

4,384 下載

asaner 0.1.1

Asana API client for ruby

4,382 下載

gemfile_utils 1.1.0

gemfile_utils provides command line interface to modify Gemfile with annotations and co...

4,379 下載

smsbroadcast 1.2.0

Send & receive sms, and monitor your account with

4,376 下載

bsale 0.0.6

Ruby Client Library for Bsale API

4,374 下載

ga_measurement_protocol 0.1.1

Google Analytics Measurement Protocol

4,370 下載

auphonic 0.1.0

A ruby wrapper and CLI for the Auphonic API.

4,365 下載

RaygunRuby 0.9.7

Raygun api implementation for rails

4,364 下載

ruboty-circle_ci_v2 0.3.0

Ruboty plugin for CircleCI

4,359 下載

gyazo_spector 0.1.1

GyazoSpector capture full or part of a web page, upload to another server.

4,357 下載

xero-api 2.0.0

Ruby JSON-only client for Xero API.

4,356 下載

alpharb 0.2.1

A Ruby library to query the Alpha Vantage API.

4,351 下載

cloudrunpdf 0.2.0

Generate PDF with Google Cloud Function.

4,347 下載

gemini-rb 0.0.2

Simple Gemini API ruby wrapper

4,346 下載

總下載次數 802,276,979

這個版本 974,030



Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0
