RubyGems Navigation menu

faraday 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 faraday

omniauth-parse 0.0.2

OmniAuth strategy for Parse

6,299 下載

puerta 0.1.1

Most payment gateway in Cambodia and Vietnam lack of ruby gems support. Official li...

6,292 下載

niconico-mylist 0.2.1

Fetch niconico mylist

6,288 下載

contaazul 0.1.1

A tiny non-official wrapper for ContaAzul's API

6,285 下載

laa-apply-for-legalaid-api-client 0.3.0

Ruby client for the LAA Apply for legal aid API

6,273 下載

smtuc 0.0.4

A non-official gem on top of a non-fficial API to SMTUC

6,270 下載

simplesol 0.0.3

SimpleSol service client gem

6,263 下載

faraday-uafaker 0.0.4

Lorem ipsum.

6,256 下載

stub_hub_api 1.1.5

This gem provides access to add, edit and delete listings appearing on StubHub.

6,249 下載

my_bitcasa 1.0.1

MyBitcasa is an unofficial Bitcasa SDK.

6,247 下載

dtmcli 0.0.4

dtm is a lightweight distributed transaction manager

6,247 下載

qs-request-tracker 0.0.2

Manages a Request-Id for each HTTP request

6,235 下載

pageboy 0.1.1


6,228 下載

firebase_token_authentication 0.1.5

A light weight Firebase access token validator whichutilizes HTTP caching to reduce net...

6,222 下載

vox 0.2.3

Discord library

6,222 下載

spadeio 0.0.2

Intelligent content scraping - Ruby driver, see for more.

6,220 下載

kairos-api 0.0.2

Ruby gem for the Kairos facial recognition API

6,218 下載

pfs 0.0.11

A ruby client to consume PFS Finac API

6,209 下載

mpesarb 0.3.5

the gem will allow you to simply integrate with mpesa apis

6,208 下載

ccy-rates 1.0.2

ccy-rates is a command-line utility that allows you to easily grab the currency exchang...

6,205 下載

tomodachi 0.1.0

Automatic follow back tool with Twitter streaming API

6,200 下載

metromobilite 0.2.2

Wrapper Ruby de l'API Métromobilité (Transports en commun de Grenoble et d'Isère) initi...

6,194 下載

jira_api 0.0.2

First iteration of my jira-api helper

6,184 下載

nationsync 0.0.2

Write a gem description

6,181 下載

faraday_body_logger 0.0.1

Faraday middleware that logs the request and response body

6,180 下載

peatio-pepscoin 0.0.4

Pepscoin Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::Abs...

6,177 下載

ding_sdk 0.8.10

Ding Ruby SDK

6,177 下載

robin-sidekick 0.0.2

Sidekick image used for service discovery

6,176 下載

user_management_api 0.0.16

Client library for the User Management App API

6,167 下載

selligent 0.1.4

Provides access to the Selligent REST API

6,165 下載

總下載次數 803,650,548

這個版本 83,747



Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0
