RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para flay La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren flay

clint_eastwood 0.0.7

A simple way to run a series of linting tools with default configurations matching clou...

19.246 Descargas

YPBT 0.2.12

Youtube Progress Bar Taggerextracts comment threads, comments, and comment of author fr...

19.081 Descargas

cowl 0.7

See for example usage

18.658 Descargas


Learn how to develop the Gem package.

18.473 Descargas

sixarm_ruby_time_stamp 3.0.0

Time stamp methods to generate a string with formating such as RFC ISO datetime

18.383 Descargas

openc3 5.16.2

OpenC3 provides all the functionality needed to send commands to and receive data f...

18.000 Descargas


Code metrics from Flog, Flay, Simplecov-RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi, Rails' stats...

17.198 Descargas

sageone_api_signer 1.3.0

Sign requests to Sage One API.

16.644 Descargas

sixarm_ruby_numeric_round 2.0.0

Numeric #round, #floor, #ceil, #truncate methods

16.496 Descargas

meetupevents 0.3

Extracts events, groups, and cities from Meetup

15.680 Descargas

facegroup 0.6.1

Extracts feed, postings, and attachments from FB Groups

15.622 Descargas

sixarm_ruby_time_terse 3.0.0

Time.terse methods to generate a string formatted with YMDHMSN

15.564 Descargas

moss 0.6

See for example usage

14.995 Descargas

iron-crawler 1.2.1

A generic web crawler that doesn't crawl outside URLs.

14.851 Descargas

code_poetry 0.4.0

Analyzes the code of your Rails app and generates a straightforward HTML report.

14.838 Descargas

weatai 0.1.7

Extracts temperature and humidity for different city

14.720 Descargas

lollipop 0.6.0

Development dependencies collection

14.572 Descargas

hockeyhelper 0.0.7

Helper gem for HokceyApp API

14.485 Descargas

sageone_api_request_signer 1.1.2

Sign requests call to SageOne API.

14.480 Descargas

dotsmack 0.5

See for example usage

14.260 Descargas

i18n_yaml_editor 2.1.0

I18n Yaml Editor

13.717 Descargas

enlint 0.5

See for example usage

13.658 Descargas

lili 0.4

See for example usage

13.522 Descargas

prolog-dry_types 0.3.4

Dry::Types typedefs found to be generally useful. Replaces deprecated prolog-dry-types.

13.440 Descargas

hoboken 0.10.0

Sinatra project generator.

13.383 Descargas

gtdlint 0.5

See for example usage

13.063 Descargas


Code metrics from Flog, Flay, RCov, Saikuro, Churn, Reek, Roodi and Rails' stats task

13.055 Descargas

sixarm_ruby_range_parse 2.0.0

Range.parse method to convert text to a Range object

12.967 Descargas

line-detector 0.5

See for example usage

12.880 Descargas

sixarm_ruby_pro_logger 3.0.0

Logs more information than the typical Ruby logger.

12.752 Descargas

Total de descargas 25.443.822

Para esta versión 43.776



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
