RubyGems Navigation menu

gem-release 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 gem-release

prof 0.44.0

A gem to test Cloud Foundry service brokers

127,012 下載

page_magic 2.0.13

Framework for modeling and interacting with webpages which wraps capybara

126,801 下載

aws_recon 0.5.33

AWS Recon is a command line tool to collect resources from an Amazon Web Services (AWS)...

124,766 下載

contact-data 0.6.0

A Ruby gem to retrieve data about people and organizations from

118,032 下載

cleanup_vendor 0.6.1

Removes unnecessary files which are not required in production environment.

116,445 下載

solidus_dev_support 2.9.0

Development tools for Solidus extensions.

115,749 下載

fastlane-craft 1.5.8

fastlane craft

115,582 下載

value_semantics 3.6.1

Generates modules that provide conventional value semantics for a given set of attribut...

114,028 下載

resque-job_history 0.0.23

Keeps a history of run jobs by job.

113,657 下載

spree_dev_tools 0.2.4

Spree Developer Tools

110,146 下載

ruby_gpg2 0.10.0

Wraps the gpg binary (>= 2.0) so that it can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.

108,212 下載

geo_names 1.0.2

A Gem to expose a wrapping API for the GeoNames API's

105,161 下載

arql 0.4.10

Use ActiveRecord and Pry as your favorite SQL query editor.

103,717 下載

activerecord-tablefree 3.1.8

ActiveRecord Tablefree Models provides a simple mixin for creating models that are not ...

101,643 下載

activa 0.0.14

Rails 3.1+ dynamic page management

101,295 下載

soloist 1.0.3

Makes running chef-solo easy.

100,657 下載

egghead-styles 1.0.82

To reduce development friction has extracted its core CSS styles into a gem ...

95,160 下載

mortar-api-ruby 0.8.16

Client for Mortar API.

94,730 下載

hula 0.16.0

We were using cf and bosh command line clients in a lot of places, mostly specs, this s...

92,455 下載

capistrano-s3 2.4.0

Enables static websites deployment to Amazon S3 website buckets using Capistrano.

89,278 下載

rake_gpg 0.18.0

Rake tasks for common GPG related activities allowing keys to be managed and content to...

89,069 下載

vagrant-zscp 0.1.8

Copies files to a vagrant VM using scp and compressing the content.

88,746 下載

railman 1.0.6

Rails application generator that speeds up develoment of new rails applications

88,695 下載

singularity_dsl 3.0.6

DSL for your SingularityCI instance.

86,857 下載

rake_github 0.13.0

Allows managing repository deploy keys.

85,398 下載

name-tamer 0.5.3

Useful methods for taming names

84,626 下載

dm-postgres-types 0.0.6

Adds support for native PostgreSQL datatypes, including JSON, HSTORE, and Array to Data...

81,088 下載

tld_length 1.0.0

Handle subdomains on / domains using a rack middleware

77,829 下載

railman-deployment 2.2.8

railman-deployment gem adds capistrano tasks for automated deployment of rails applicat...

76,682 下載

seam 1.1.3

Simple workflows

68,760 下載

總下載次數 3,948,188

這個版本 2,766,125



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
