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gemoji 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 gemoji

markup-email 1.2.4

Converting Markup to E-mails with github-markup

14,603 下载

tdiary-style-markdown 0.6.0

Markdown Style for tDiary

14,016 下载

swift-playground 0.0.5

A Ruby API and CLI tool for manipulating Xcode Swift Playgrounds. Supports generation f...

11,649 下载

velvet_rope 0.0.3

VelvetRope is a renderer to complement and enhance Redcarpet's default HTML renderer. I...

10,485 下载

goodread 0.3.2

Doctest for markdown with comment-based assertions. Python/JavaScript/Ruby/PHP test run...

10,468 下载

bemoji 3.0.0

GitHub-flavored emoji plugin for Bunto

8,780 下载

prolog-services-markdown_to_html 1.0.3

The Prolog::Services::MarkdownToHtml class converts valid Markdo...

7,495 下载

spec_tracker 1.2.4

Get an overview of your project traceability matrix.

7,401 下载

senrigan 0.2.0

Slack timeline viewer

7,360 下载

html-pipeline-no-charlock 0.0.6

GitHub HTML processing filters and utilities. This version remove dependencies on charl...

6,237 下载

rack-emoji 0.1.1

Easily setup emoji for use with rack app.

5,661 下载

html-pipeline-abbr 0.2.0

abbr tags are part of the html spec. They are currently not p...

5,314 下载

pry-emoji 0.0.2

Clutter up your shell with some emoji. Why not? You already have all that pry crap mu...

4,572 下载

jekyll-mentioji 0.2.0

Improve build times for sites using both 'jekyll-mentions and 'jemoji' plugins

4,440 下载

flue 0.0.1

A static site generator

4,175 下载

geothird-html-pipeline 0.0.12

GitHub HTML processing filters and utilities

4,004 下载

jetesting 0.1.7

Do not use

3,948 下载

run.yml 0.1.2


3,856 下载

terminal-emojify 0.0.1

Outputs emoji aliases as raw characters.

3,698 下载

writeup 1.1.0

Generic components from jeromegn/DocumentUp for generating static HTML documentation fr...

3,253 下载

html-pipeline-mrkdwn 0.1.8

An HTML::Pipeline filter for Slack's mrkdwn markup language.

3,143 下载

emojimage 0.1.0

Turn images into collages of emoji

2,895 下载

middleman-emojifire 1.1.0

middleman-emojifire is a quite easy-to-use emoji extension for Middleman.

2,490 下载

threddedDANIEL 0.14.5

The best Rails 4.2+ forums engine ever. Its goal is to be as simple and feature rich as...

1,953 下载

satisfaction 0.1.0

Track your level of happiness in a project.

1,923 下载

jay_flavored_markdown 0.1.0

JayFlavoredMarkdown Converter

1,753 下载

z4app 0.1.6

The z4 micro-web-app framework.

1,640 下载

meiou 0.2.2

A wrapper for for wikipedia entries, curated txt files, and other sources of knowledge.

1,024 下载

z4bot 0.1.1

The z4 discord server management and user interaction bot framework.

655 下载

下载总量 32,462,922

这个版本 2,260,862



需要的 Ruby 版本: > 1.9
