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Reverse dependencies for heroku Latest version of the following gems require heroku

logstash-input-heroku 3.0.3

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

23,143 下載

highgroove_generator 0.4.0

Tool to generate a rails project ready for development

23,114 下載

heroku_delayed_job_autoscale 0.0.7

The module within this gem simply listens for enqueues and finished jobs. On enqueu...

23,031 下載

herokuise 0.9

automate getting a site on heroku and git

22,752 下載

railsonfire 0.2.17

We renamed to and you can configure your project now through the website at...

22,241 下載

mbeedle-heroku-autoscale 0.2.6

Autoscale your Heroku dynos

20,240 下載

heroku-helper 0.3.0

Heroku deployment helper

19,894 下載

refinerycms-s3assets 0.2.1

copies s3 assets from production refinerycms app hosted on Heroku to local

19,443 下載

heroku_super_backup 0.0.2

PG backups into the cloud with fog

16,829 下載

heroku-autoscale 0.2.2

Autoscale your Heroku dynos

16,695 下載

purobu 0.0.5

Black-box integration test framework for components on the Heroku platform.

15,461 下載

resque-heroku-autoscaler 0.2.3

This gem scales your Heroku workers according to the number of pending Resque jobs. You...

15,157 下載

herokubench 1.0.1

Make it rain on the cloud. Herokubench allows you to easily load test websites, ...

15,116 下載

bnr_generator 0.5

Tool to generate a rails project ready for development

14,984 下載

ftrio 0.0.4

Feature managment tool

14,628 下載

heroku_scale_scheduler 0.0.4

scaling scheduler for heroku dynos/workers

14,520 下載

push2heroku 0.0.4

push2heroku makes it easy to push code to heroku

13,193 下載

habitat 0.2.0

Automatically loads heroku config variables into your environment for development

12,486 下載

heroku-resque-auto-scale 0.1.2

Auto scale your resque workers on Heroku.

12,013 下載

secretive 0.0.10

Secretive converts variables in a YAML file into ENV vars. It's useful for storing API ...

11,995 下載

engineyard-migrate 1.1.0

Want to migrate your Ruby on Rails application from Heroku (or similar) up to Engine Ya...

11,788 下載

komodo 0.0.3

Komodo is a simple wrapper that allows you to scale on-demand the number of delayed_job...

11,508 下載

heroku_env 0.2.0

This gem provides heroku environment variables in your local development environment.

11,319 下載

appsta 1.1.0

Appsta is designed to make bootstrapping new Rails applications much easier.

11,282 下載

zen_garden 0.0.6

ZenGarden is a continuous deployment workflow for Rails apps. After testing your app on...

11,151 下載

justonedb 1.1.1

Command-line tool for JustOneDB to assist with deployments on Heroku

10,924 下載

sabisu 0.1.3

Sabisu is a dashboard for the monitoring framework Sensu. It is powered by Cloudant to ...

10,602 下載

heroku_migrator 0.0.3

Migrate your deprecated Heroku database quickly

10,292 下載

cap-taffy 0.0.3

Capistrano recipes for deploying databases and other common tasks.

9,957 下載

rib-heroku 0.8.2

Run a [Rib][] console on Heroku Cedar with your Rib config! [Rib]:

9,784 下載

總下載次數 3,213,852

這個版本 25,964



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
