RubyGems Navigation menu

jeweler 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 jeweler

pokitdok-ruby 0.9.2

Gem for easy access to the PokitDok Platform APIs.

1,124,970 下載

i18n_yaml_sorter 0.2.0

Allows you to deep sort YAML files that are mainly composed of \ nested hashes an...

1,103,859 下載

verbal_expressions 0.1.5

Verbal Expressions is a library that makes constructing difficult regular expressions s...

1,078,717 下載

dm-postgres-adapter 1.2.0

PostgreSQL Adapter for DataMapper

1,069,663 下載

hominid 3.0.5

Hominid is a Ruby gem that provides a wrapper for interacting with the Mailchimp email ...

987,549 下載

sugar-high 0.7.3

More Ruby sugar - inspired by the 'zuker' project

969,566 下載

devise-i18n-views 0.3.7

Translatable views for devise and the translations that go with them

966,568 下載

artii 2.1.2

A Figlet-based ASCII art generator, useful for comand-line based ASCII Art Generation.

951,948 下載

i18n-spec 0.6.0

Includes a number of rspec matchers to make specing your locale files easy peasy.

950,691 下載

heap 1.0.2

Implements Heap's server-side API

879,828 下載

pivotal-tracker 0.5.13

Ruby wrapper for the Pivotal Tracker API

873,533 下載

xmlcanonicalizer 0.1.2

This is taken from XMLCanonicalizer/WSS4R and

860,169 下載

resque-history 1.12.3

Show history of recently executed jobs

851,375 下載

gimme 0.5.0

gimme attempts to bring to Ruby a test double workflow akin to Mockito in Java. Major d...

826,139 下載

which_works 1.0.2

Locates a program file in the user's path. The which method takes a list of command nam...

784,043 下載

vj-sdk 0.8.2

Videojuicer core-sdk

772,973 下載

parse-ruby-client 0.3.0

A simple Ruby client for the REST API

755,714 下載

resque-metrics 0.1.1

A simple Resque plugin that times and saves some simple metrics for Resque jobs back in...

741,443 下載

foursquare2 2.0.2

Gives access to all endpoints in version 2 of foursquare's API with syntax that will be...

718,163 下載

generator 0.0.1

Generator gem is designed for use in ruby projects and provides templates generators li...

702,782 下載

geo-distance 0.2.2

Calculates the geo distance between two locations using longitude and latitude using Ha...

700,839 下載

sendgrid_toolkit 1.4.0

A Ruby wrapper and utility library for communicating with the Sendgrid API.

698,250 下載

viewcumber 0.3.1

Cucumber formatter for easily viewing each step of your scenarios

685,916 下載

dm-mysql-adapter 1.2.0

MySQL Adapter for DataMapper

679,461 下載

geo_calc 0.7.8

Geo calculations in ruby and javascript

666,934 下載

geo_units 0.3.4

Easily convert between different distance units such as kms, miles etc.

656,753 下載

geo_point 0.2.6

Allows for easy parsing of Strings, Hashes and Arrays into a GeoPoint with lat/long

639,341 下載

googl 0.7.1

Small library for Google URL Shortener API

631,926 下載

it-logica-application-backbone 1.5.3

longer description of your gem

620,746 下載

bhf 0.10.17

A simple to use Rails-Engine-Gem that offers an admin interface for trusted user. Easy ...

572,127 下載

總下載次數 1,823,662

這個版本 123,417



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.2.0
