RubyGems Navigation menu

minitest-spec-context 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 minitest-spec-context

grape_json_api_streamer 0.0.6

Class for streaming JSON API via Grape stream

10,721 下載

madhattr 0.6.0

Add accessors for a hash

10,085 下載

spinna 0.0.5

Picks albums from your music collection so you don’t have to.

9,614 下載

mhl 0.3.0

A Ruby Metaheuristics library

9,352 下載

stateful.rb 0.14.11

Easily add state to Poro and ActiveRecord objects.

8,450 下載

ar_checked_migration 4.0

Determine whether or not ActiveRecord migrations are considere...

8,251 下載

riak_json 0.0.4

A Ruby client for Riak Json

8,243 下載

sisfc 0.2.0

Simulator for IT Services in Federated Clouds

7,184 下載

github_copier 0.2.1

Clone/list multiple Github repositories for a given user/organization including private...

7,123 下載

data_task 0.0.3

DataTask provides dependency-based programming for data workflows on top of the Rake bu...

6,329 下載

rupert 0.0.2

Rupert allows to manipulate RPM files independently from availability of rpmlib.

6,253 下載

mail_runner 0.2.0

Gem for inbound mail via Postfix MTA. Creates separate worker process for delivery to app.

5,773 下載

git-sprint 0.1.2

a git plugin for sprint related commands

5,759 下載

riagent-document 0.0.2

Ruby object to JSON document conversion format, for persistence to Riak db

5,538 下載

tixriss 0.2.0

Retrieves links.list data and allows processing/transformation

5,437 下載

ragmob 0.1.0

A library to interact with the BeyondTrust Remote Support API.

4,879 下載

rakko 0.2.0

Writing my own homebrew toy programming language to learn about compiler construction.

4,122 下載

yambol 1.0.0

Load YAML files with symbolized keys. Simple. Easy

4,048 下載

symian 0.1.0

A Decision Support Tool for the Performance Optimization of IT Support Organizations

3,317 下載

govdelivery-crypt 3.1.0

Encrypt and decrypt things to your heart's content.

2,485 下載

parliamentarian 0.8.5

This will download and parse the lastest list of members and their contact details for ...

2,314 下載

metallica_logo 0.0.1

This gem uses an existing logo generation API to generate a Metallica like logo for a g...

2,051 下載

總下載次數 724,066

這個版本 23,853


Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
