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Reverse dependencies for newrelic_rpm Latest version of the following gems require newrelic_rpm

pdfservice 1.2.1

Run your own html-to-pdf server for free on

18,024 下載

newrelic-curb 0.0.2

Wraps Curl::Easy.perform to send per-host metrics to New Relic

17,530 下載

newrelic_riak 0.0.3

NewRelic instrumentation for Riak.

17,320 下載

padrino-rpm 0.6.1

A gem for monitoring Padrino with newrelic rpm

17,252 下載

newrelic-moped 0.0.5

Adds support for recording database operations in your web transactions. It does not ad...

17,191 下載

silvermind_deployment 0.0.9

Simplified Deployment using Capistrano, Unicorn and Eye

16,749 下載

newrelic_ia 0.2.2

The New Relic Infrastructure Agent (IA) collects system metrics and transmits them to t...

15,653 下載

newrelic-slack-ruby-bot 0.2.2

NewRelic instrumentation for slack-ruby-bot.

15,517 下載

capistrano3-newrelic 0.0.11

Capistrano v3 task for New Relic notification about deployment

15,339 下載

capistrano-v3-newrelic 0.0.7

Capistrano v3 task for New Relic notification about deployment

15,243 下載

scaltainer 0.6.0

A ruby gem inspired by HireFire to autoscale kubernetes controllers and docker services...

14,932 下載

talentbox-newrelic-sequel 0.0.10

Sequel instrumentation for Newrelic with sequel-rails and PostgreSQL CTE support

14,816 下載

newrelic-thor 0.0.1

NewRelic instrumentation to Thor tasks

14,559 下載

newrelic-zookeeper 1.0.0

ZooKeeper instrumentation for New Relic.

12,802 下載

barton 0.0.3

Barton is an API for Australian electorates and politicains

12,743 下載


Community contributed instrumentation for various frameworks based on the New Relic Rub...

12,195 下載

strelka-newrelic 0.0.4

Strelka-NewRelic is a Strelka plugin for monitoring a Strelka application with NewRelic...

11,654 下載

newrelic-vertica 0.0.4

Add NewRelic instrumentation to the pure Ruby Vertica driver.

11,574 下載

elasticsearch-newrelic 0.2.0

Elasticsearch instrumentation for New Relic

11,400 下載

okcomputer-newrelic-ignore 0.0.1

If you use Ok Computer for uptime checks and pings, use this to avoid it affecting New ...

10,895 下載

new_relic-starter 0.2.0

A library that provides a way to start the New Relic agent in a running process.

10,880 下載

blabbermouth-new_relic 0.1.4

Bystander for Blabbermouth that posts to New Relic

10,499 下載

co_aspects 0.3.0

Collection of ready to use aspects with an annotation-like syntax to attach it to methods.

10,081 下載

statsn 0.2.0

StatsN: Aggregate statistics using newrelics custom metrics

9,762 下載

denotificator 0.0.3

Denotificator unsubscribes you from notifications where you aren't directed mentioned

9,728 下載

cucumber-newrelic 0.0.2

Cucumber steps for verifing metrics from NewRelic's API

9,282 下載

newrelic_aws 0.0.4

This gem has been renamed newrelic-aws

8,954 下載

rails-api-newrelic 0.0.2

New Relic integration for Rails API applications

8,735 下載

shoryuken_newrelic 0.1.0

Newrelic instrumentation to Shoryuken

8,137 下載

metro_relic 0.0.2

Easily track custom newrelic metrics with a config file

7,371 下載

總下載次數 144,054,376

這個版本 255,896



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.4.0

RubyGems 版本需求: > 1.3.1
