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newrelic_rpm 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 newrelic_rpm

faraday_error 0.1.1

# FaradayError [![Gem Version](](https://bad...

7,352 下載

rdkit 0.1.5

RDKit is a simple toolkit to write Redis-like, single-threaded multiplexing-IO server.

7,107 下載

shift-circuit-breaker 0.2.2

The library provides a mechanism for detecting, monitoring and controlling external ser...

6,799 下載

newrelic-thinking-sphinx 0.1.2

Thinking-Sphinx instrumentation for New Relic. Get performance metrics for Thinking-Sph...

6,694 下載

newrelic_logger_extension 0.0.2

extend a Logger instance to send warnings, errors and info to newrelic as custom metric

5,658 下載

newrelic_patron 1.0.1

Patron instrumentation for Newrelic.

5,652 下載

newrelic-lotus 0.4.0

Gem for connecting NewRelic and Lotus

4,875 下載

newrelic_presto 0.1.2

Presto Instrumentation for NewRelic

4,540 下載

staugaard-rpm_contrib 1.0.7

Community contributed instrumentation for various frameworks based on the New Rel...

4,416 下載

newrelic-couchbase 0.0.1

Couchbase Instrumentation for NewRelic RPM

4,267 下載

lowrpm 0.0.1

Use lowrpm and New Relic to profile your application

4,241 下載

heartcheck-newrelic 0.1.1

A Heartcheck plugin for New Relic

4,189 下載

metriks-reporter-new_relic 0.0.1

Allows metric data collected by with the Metriks gem to be reported to your New Relic a...

3,827 下載

puppet-newrelic 0.0.1

This gem (horribly) monkey-patches your puppetmaster to add instrumentation with New Re...

3,757 下載

newrelic-samg 0.0.1

Doesn't do anything

3,751 下載

newrelic_moped-toothrot 0.0.7

New Relic Instrumentation for Moped & Mongoid 3

3,625 下載

log_raider 0.0.1

send error logs to Newrelic even if the error does not reach toplevel

3,582 下載

newrelic-daybreak 0.0.1

A simple redis backed cache for Sinatra

3,398 下載

newrelic-roda 1.0.0.pre1

newrelic instrument for roda

3,167 下載

card-mod-new_relic 0.3

handle new relic integration with decko decks

3,147 下載

newrelic-shoes 0.1.0

Use New Relic to trace Shoes.

3,121 下載

message-driver-newrelic 0.1.0

Add NewRelic instrumentation to MessageDriver

2,605 下載

rack-new_relic-starter 0.1.0

A Rack middleware that provides an endpoint to start the New Relic agent.

2,601 下載

liebre-newrelic 0.0.4

A gem to add newrelic instrumentation to liebre

2,587 下載

newrelic_httprb 0.0.1

New Relic instrumentation for http.rb

2,511 下載

kaf_processor 1.0.1

KAF Processor

2,091 下載

housing_misc 0.5.4

Gem for miscellaneous general requirements

2,028 下載

rails_filters_tracer 0.1.0

With this gem, you can measure the execution times of each of filters registered to a R...

1,224 下載

newrelic-hanami-ageri 2.0.0

Reports Hanami controller actions to NewRelic.

868 下載

fourkites-sqspoller-v2 1.0.0

Gem to poll messages from SQS queue and process them

589 下載

總下載次數 145,259,332

這個版本 52,313



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.4.0

RubyGems 版本需求: > 1.3.1
