RubyGems Navigation menu

parallel 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 parallel

cocoapods-binary-cache 0.1.14

Reduce build time by building pod frameworks and cache to remote storage, reuse on mult...

105,380 下载

cf_light_api 3.1.2

A super lightweight API for reading App and Org data from CloudFoundry, cached in Redis.

104,614 下载

bacterial-annotator 1.0.0

GEM to annotate bacterial genome sequence based on a reference genome and complete the ...

101,850 下载

sequent 7.0.0

Sequent is a CQRS and event sourcing framework for Ruby.

99,084 下载

datahen 1.6.3

DataHen toolbelt to develop scrapers and other scripts

96,944 下载

leap_salesforce 1.2.2

This gem helps ones to perform integration tests on Salesforce. It reads the Metadata f...

93,640 下载

chemistrykit 3.10.1

Merged various pull requests including subfolders in beaker directory

93,517 下载


Distribut automated testing framework for Web or App.

91,245 下载

parse-stack 1.9.1

Parse Server Ruby Client. Perform Object-relational mapping between Parse Server and Ru...

89,314 下载

miteru 2.3.0

A phishing kit collector for scavengers

87,928 下载

gemirro 1.3.0

Create your own gems mirror.

87,851 下载

bukelatta 0.1.8

Bukelatta is a tool to manage S3 Bucket Policy.

87,207 下载

airbrake_tools 1.2.0

Power tools for Airbrake

86,193 下载

gondola 1.3.11

Gondola is Ruby command line utility and as well as a library which helps for inte...

86,078 下载

parallel_cucumber 0.2.25

Our own parallel cucumber with queue and workers

85,866 下载

togostanza 2.2.2

Development tools of TogoStanza

82,174 下载

bio-gadget 0.5.0

Gadgets for bioinformatics

81,769 下载

aubergine 0.2.5

Distributed RANCID - backup your network devices

80,931 下载

yarrow 0.9.4

Yarrow is a tool for generating well structured documentation from a variety of input s...

79,403 下载

bucky-core 0.10.25

Bucky-core can run test code which is written in YAML. End-to-End test (working with Se...

75,201 下载

gct 0.5.8

"gct ios 自动化脚本工具"

72,527 下载

bitcoinrb 1.5.0

The implementation of Bitcoin Protocol for Ruby.

70,403 下载

guignol 0.3.16

Create, start, stop, destroy instances from the command line based on a YAML descri...

69,848 下载

his_emr_api_lab 2.0.1

This adds a lab interface to the OpenMRS compatible core API provided by [HIS-EMR-API](...

65,546 下载

wp2txt 1.1.3

WP2TXT extracts text and category data from Wikipedia dump files (encoded in XML / comp...

65,280 下载

kondate 0.5.0

Kondate is yet another nodes management framework for Itamae/Serverspec.

64,763 下载

neo4j-java-driver 4.4.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

62,668 下载

twitter_with_auto_pagination 0.15.1

Add auto paginate feature to Twitter gem.

62,035 下载

blinkr 0.3.9

A broken page and link checker for websites. Optionally uses phantomjs to render pages ...

61,917 下载

ffast 0.2.2

Allow you to search for code using node pattern syntax.

61,190 下载

下载总量 470,518,231

这个版本 2,176,262



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7
