RubyGems Navigation menu

pygments.rb 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 pygments.rb

formol-bbcode 1.0.1

BBCode formatter for formol forum engine

8,015 下載

markdownplus 0.2.0

Pre processors that allows the inclusion of external files and post processors for csn ...

7,865 下載

gh-preview 1.0.2

This gem provides a small Sinatra application to preview GitHub README files

7,510 下載

mook 0.0.2

Generates static HTML files from Markdown. But, like, well.

7,390 下載

markdown-ruby-china 0.2

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

7,308 下載

active_copy 1.0.0

Use the Rails model layer as a backend for static files

7,256 下載

yard-pygmentsrb 0.0.2

Enables the syntax highligthing of a wide variety of languages through Pygments and its...

7,247 下載

geothird-linguist 2.6.8

GitHub Language detection

7,042 下載

slider 0.2

Yeah, once again!

7,028 下載

statixite 1.0.2

Statixite allows you to easily manage multiple static websites. It is a mix of a conte...

6,931 下載

slideshift 0.0.2

SlideShift is modern presentation system

6,776 下載

markedly 0.0.2

Markedly offers live preview feature to your favorite browser.

6,756 下載

string_markdown 0.0.2

Add String#to_md support

6,716 下載

rack-source 0.0.2

Serves a file with syntax highlighting

6,609 下載

exo_cms 0.0.3

CMS engine to deliver multiple sites. Based on Mongoid.

6,552 下載

roxie 0.0.3

Yet another documentation generator

6,196 下載

moco 0.1.1

MoCo monitors web templates. On updates the templates are compiled and the browser relo...

6,155 下載 1.0.1 replaces the Coderay-based syntax highlighting in Slodown with Pygments.rb

6,093 下載

slidox 0.0.3

Markdown to PDF and HTML conversion tool. Useful for building presentations and other d...

6,011 下載

tdiary-style-org 0.0.2

org-mode style for tDiary, using org-ruby

4,791 下載

pjson-rb 0.0.1

pipe to pretty print json utility

4,473 下載

jsdiff 0.9.0

Diff two json files and fabulously display results

4,373 下載

read-only-gollum 1.4.0

A simple, read-only, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.

4,156 下載

kui-md 0.0.1

a markdown engine which makes you to describe a graph with Graphviz and highlight codes

4,144 下載

rack-pygmoku 0.1.1

Rack middleware for Pygments use in environments you cannot install Pygments directly (...

4,075 下載

maddoc 0.0.1

Better markdown to HTML renderer.

4,008 下載

orbital_fields 0.0.14

The (possibly) reusable partrs of Orbital.

3,998 下載

peek-activerecord 0.1.1

Peek plugin for activerecord queries and timings

3,979 下載

md2ansi 0.0.1

Converts markdown to ansi.

3,787 下載

monograph 1.0.0

A command line tool for generating beautiful HTML eBooks from Markdown documents

3,744 下載

總下載次數 6,125,886

這個版本 45,828



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.6.0
