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racc 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 racc


Nokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features i...

19,886 下载

sql-parser-vlad 0.0.15

A Racc-based Ruby parser and generator for SQL statements

19,599 下载

mof 1.2.5

The Managed Object Format (MOF) language used to describe classes and instances of the ...

18,559 下载

cappruby 0.0.3


18,426 下载

elparser 0.0.7

A parser for S-expression of emacs lisp

18,222 下载

ruby-php-serialization 1.0.0

Pure Ruby implementation of php's methods: serialize() and unserializer()

17,150 下载

hotcell 0.3.0

Sandboxed ruby template processor

16,510 下载

RFC7159 7159.06

A JSON parser/generator that conforms (I believe) to RFC7159 "The JavaScript Object Not...

16,374 下载

piece 0.1.6

A model based on Rails controller actions to make user privileges and feature toggle si...

16,023 下载

tp_plus 0.0.88


15,822 下载

revo-nokogiri 1.4.1

Nokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features i...

13,579 下载

adsl 0.1.0

A tool for automatic extraction and verification of Rails formal models. Just include i...

13,108 下载

kdl 1.0.4

Ruby implementation of the KDL Document Language Spec

12,259 下载

ofx_for_ruby 0.1.5

OFX for Ruby is a pure Ruby implementation of Open Financial Exchange specifications (1...

11,816 下载

razyk 0.2.0

RazyK is a LazyK implementetion by pure ruby.

11,594 下载

sql-parser 0.0.2

A Racc-based Ruby parser and generator for SQL statements

11,503 下载

rubic 0.3.0

Rubic is a very simple Scheme interpreter written in Ruby.

11,330 下载

regextest 0.1.8

Regextest generates sample string that matches with regular expression. Unlike similar ...

11,277 下载

dagon 0.1.2

The Dagon programming language: whitespace, enumerators, blocks, One Way

10,926 下载

abnf 0.0.1

An Augmented Backus Naur form parser in Ruby.

10,724 下载

rison-rb 0.1.0

This is a Ruby implementation for Rison that represents compact data in URIs. This modu...

10,626 下载

fortio-namelist 1.4.0

This is a Ruby library for reading and writing Fortran's namelist. This library allo...

10,581 下载

scim2-filter 1.1.0

RFC7644 SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) 2.0 filter parser. See https...

10,321 下载

manamana 0.0.3

Capture project requirements better

10,109 下载

mtree 1.0.1

This is a ruby utility and library providing the mtree(1) features found on BSDs.

9,917 下载


Journey is a router. It routes requests.

9,911 下载

rubyang 0.1.3

Pure Ruby YANG parser and tree structure data store implementation

9,361 下载

divoxx-ruby-php-serialization 0.2.2

TODO: longer description of your gem

8,771 下载

reactive_record 0.0.4

Generate ActiveRecord models from a pre-existing Postgres db

8,503 下载

plate-lang 0.1.2

A little language to create one page web sites.

8,258 下载

下载总量 315,804,813

这个版本 38,750,067


Ruby, BSD-2-Clause

需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
