RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para ruboty La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren ruboty

ruboty-google_calendar 0.1.1

Ruboty plug-in to read schedule from Google Calendar.

9.186 Descargas

ruboty-pi_gpio 0.2.0

Control GPIO of Raspberry PI via Ruboty

9.110 Descargas

ruboty-can_i_borrow 0.2.0

Logging lending record and check lending status

9.071 Descargas

ruboty-dmm 0.0.5

A bot for DMM R18's rankings for 24, weeks, months

8.984 Descargas

ruboty-chinachu 0.2.2

Ruboty plugin work with Chinachu server

8.940 Descargas

ruboty-syoboi_calendar 0.0.7

Ask today's Japanese anime line-up from

8.935 Descargas

ruboty-wiki_search 0.5.0

GitHub wiki search for Ruboty

8.911 Descargas

ruboty-moneta 0.2.0

Store Ruboty's memory via Moneta

8.795 Descargas

ruboty-qiita-github 0.3.4

Manage GitHub via Ruboty.

8.663 Descargas

ruboty-japan_weather 0.0.4

An action to tell weather forecast for ruboty bot framework.

8.616 Descargas

ruboty-twitter_track 0.1.3

Ruboty handler to track the twitter stream with the given words.

8.588 Descargas

ruboty-gitlab 0.0.5

Manage GitLab via Ruboty.

8.440 Descargas

ruboty-train_delay 0.2.2

check train status

8.247 Descargas

ruboty-kintai 1.0.2

ruboty plugin for 勤怠管理.

8.239 Descargas

ruboty-deadline 1.0.2

ruboty plugin for 〆.

8.039 Descargas

ruboty-hubot 3.0.1

ruboty plugin for using hubot script in ruboty.

7.907 Descargas

ruboty-shonin 0.1.2

A ruboty handler to get someone Shonin

7.743 Descargas

ruboty-image 0.2.0

Search a image from Google image

7.725 Descargas

ruboty-hitozuma 0.0.3

Whimsical Magi system

7.681 Descargas

ruboty-leveldb 0.0.3

Store Ruboty's memory in LevelDB.

7.615 Descargas

ruboty-ume 1.0.2

An Ruboty Handler + Actions to output N line messages.

7.594 Descargas

ruboty-lambda 0.4.0

Invoke / List lambda functions by ruboty

7.542 Descargas

ruboty-message_suffix 0.0.3

An ruboty extension, grant any word to suffix

7.501 Descargas


Ruboty Wandbox

7.417 Descargas

ruboty-qiita_police 0.0.3

Ruboty plug-in to police items by staff

7.404 Descargas

ruboty-mecab 0.1.3

Ruboty plug-in to replay mecab result

7.331 Descargas

ruboty-google_spreadsheet 0.1.2

Store Ruboty's memory in Google Spreadsheet.

7.298 Descargas

ruboty-timecard 0.1.1

A handler for Ruboty to punch a timecard

7.257 Descargas

ruboty-docker 0.0.3

Management Docker via Ruboty ChatOps

7.212 Descargas

ruboty-gekiron 0.0.5

Ruboty handler to generate conversation topic

7.126 Descargas

Total de descargas 75.530

Para esta versión 7.993



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.2.2
