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sidekiq 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 sidekiq

komachi_heartbeat 2.5.0

Alive Monitoring of Application Server and DB Server.

469,488 下载

sidekiq-benchmark 0.7.3

Benchmarks for Sidekiq

461,149 下载

sidekiq-delay_extensions 7.1.0

Extracted from Sidekiq 6.0, compatible with Sidekiq 7.0

443,468 下载

pwwka 1.0.0

The purpose of this gem is to normalise the sending and receiving of messages between...

420,386 下载

sidekiq-symbols 0.2.0

Forces Sidekiq jobs to use symbolized keys and enables keyword arguments.

409,310 下载

bearcat 1.5.24

Ruby interface for interacting with the canvas API

396,047 下载

gitlab-exporter 15.0.0

GitLab metrics exporter to use with prometheus

391,761 下载

catarse_pagarme 3.0.1 engine for catarse

391,707 下载

determinator 2.9.3

Determine which experiments and features a specific actor should see.

338,363 下载

sidekiq-instrument 0.6.2

StatsD & DogStatsD Instrumentation for Sidekiq

336,975 下载

sidekiq_prometheus 2.0.1

Prometheus Instrumentation for Sidekiq

330,298 下载

cobweb 1.2.1

Cobweb is a web crawler that can use resque to cluster crawls to quickly crawl extremel...

327,191 下载

bullet_train 1.7.12

Bullet Train

318,672 下载

activejob-cancel 0.3.2

activejob-cancel provides cancel method to Active Job

301,711 下载

sidekiq-pool 2.0.1

Allows Sidekiq using more CPU cores on Ruby MRI by forking multiple processes.

289,191 下载

sidekiq-gelf 1.3.0

GELF logging for Sidekiq

287,923 下载

canvas_sync 0.20.4

Gem for generating Canvas models and migrations and syncing data from Canvas

283,673 下载

rails_performance 1.2.2

3rd party dependency-free solution how to monitor performance of your Rails applications.

282,854 下载

newrelic-sidekiq-metrics 1.6.2

Implements recording Sidekiq stats to New Relic metrics.

281,468 下载

panda_pal 5.10.1

LTI mountable engine

258,871 下载

sidecloq 0.5.0

Recurring / Periodic / Scheduled / Cron job extension for Sidekiq

255,812 下载

sidekiq-skylight 0.2.0

Middleware for instrumenting Sidekiq with Automatically configured when re...

251,237 下载

sidekiq_queue_metrics 3.0.0

Records stats of each sidekiq queue and exposes APIs to retrieve them

248,623 下载

tartarus-rb 0.8.0

A gem for archving (deleting) old records you no longer need. Send them straight to tar...

247,260 下载

sidekiq_status 1.2.0

Job status tracking extension for Sidekiq

244,362 下载

sidekiq-debounce 1.1.0

Sidekiq::Debounce provides a way to rate-limit creation of Sidekiq jobs. When you crea...

240,604 下载

maestrano-connector-rails 2.3.6

Maestrano is the next generation marketplace for SME applications. See https://sme.maes...

233,180 下载

simple_scheduler 1.2.0

Simple Scheduler adds the ability to enhance Heroku Scheduler by using Sidekiq to queue...

222,940 下载

sqeduler 0.3.10

Works with Sidekiq scheduler to provides a highly available scheduler that can be run o...

219,740 下载

sidekiq-iteration 0.4.0

Makes your long-running sidekiq jobs interruptible and resumable.

212,944 下载

下载总量 227,482,870

这个版本 1,254,640



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
