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state_machine 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 state_machine

chatty 0.0.6

Making it easy to set it up a live chat on your website.

24,560 下载

active_admin-state_machine 1.1.0

Provides easy DSL integration between ActiveAdmin & state_machine

24,420 下载

supercharged 2.2.0

MVC solution for charges in rails

21,253 下载


Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God. Requires Ruby(MRI) >= 1.9.3-p1...

21,167 下载

ace-eye 0.6.5

FORK FOR TESTING. Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God. Requires Rub...

20,781 下载

catarse_full 0.1.0

Gem packaging of Catarse, a crowdfunding application.

20,473 下载

roby 3.0.0

The Roby plan manager is currently developped from within the Robot Construction Kit (h...

19,822 下载

evented_bluepill 0.0.52

EventedBluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. ...

19,382 下载

torquebox-stompbox 0.3.3

StompBox - Git-based deployment console for TorqueBox

19,171 下载

ra-bluepill 0.0.48

Bluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...

16,692 下载

surety 0.1.11

A lightweight guaranteed-delivery messaging system.

15,705 下载

virtualbox-guestcontrol 1.1.1

Runs stuff inside of a VirtualBox VM

15,073 下载

xrono 1.0.4

Xrono is an asset and time tracking application for consultants and consulting companies.

14,843 下载

magic_scopes 1.2.1

ActiveRecord scopes generators

13,794 下载

raffle_v1 1.0.4

An admin sets up the raffle entry requirements. Users must meet the raffle validation r...

13,506 下载

rails_blog_engine 0.0.4

Rails 3.1 drop-in blog engine for existing Rails applications

13,332 下载

state_machine_audits 0.1.4

Audits for the state_machine gem

13,310 下载

import 0.0.3

Data entity importer for Ruby and asynchronous handling wrapped around activerecord-imp...

13,043 下载

paradeiser 0.5.0

Paradeiser is a command-line tool for the Pomodoro Technique. It keeps track of the cur...

13,018 下载

gexp 0.0.4

Gexp - comand hadlers

12,979 下载

comable-core 0.7.1

Provide core functions for Comable.

12,758 下载

payable 0.0.4

Payable possui forms para chackout e controla a comunicação com um gateway de pagamento.

12,758 下载

souffle 0.0.4

An orchestrator for describing and building entire systems with Chef

12,640 下载

draw_smd 0.1.2

Drawing the State Machine Diagram of Rails.

12,176 下载

state_machine-mongoid 0.1.5

a little lack of tests but it works!

11,218 下载

state_machine-mongoid 0.1.5

a little lack of tests but it works!

11,218 下载

cognizant 0.0.3

Cognizant is a process management framework inspired from God and Bluepill. It supervis...

10,902 下载

rapid 0.0.3

Rapid Application Development platform for Crystal Framework

10,877 下载

be_taskable 0.6.1

BeTaskable is a small framework for creating and maintaining tasks / chores / assignmen...

10,740 下载


Bluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...

10,360 下载

下载总量 18,691,530

这个版本 14,613,501


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