RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour autotest-growl Latest version of the following gems require autotest-growl

ruby-protocol-buffers 1.6.1

Ruby compiler and runtime for the google protocol buffers library.

7 839 399 Téléchargements

docusign_esign 3.27.0

The DocuSign package makes integrating DocuSign into your apps and websites a super fas...

3 355 256 Téléchargements

hubspot-api-client 18.0.0

HubSpot Ruby API client

3 054 696 Téléchargements

MailchimpMarketing 3.0.80

The official Ruby client library for the Mailchimp Marketing API

1 458 728 Téléchargements

MailchimpTransactional 1.0.59

The official Ruby client library for the Mailchimp Trainsactional API

1 218 120 Téléchargements

sib-api-v3-sdk 9.1.0

Official SendinBlue provided RESTFul API V3 ruby library

1 084 671 Téléchargements

vericite_api 1.5.3

VeriCite Api

529 052 Téléchargements

kubernetes-io 1.0.0.pre.alpha2

Kubernetes official ruby client to talk to kubernetes clusters.

516 841 Téléchargements

square_connect 2.20190724.1.334

The Square Connect Ruby SDK is retired. Please migrate to the new Square gem: https://g...

485 049 Téléchargements

restfully 1.3.0

Consume RESTful APIs effortlessly

311 776 Téléchargements

purecloudplatformclientv2 98.0.0

A Ruby library to interface with the PureCloud Platform API

274 635 Téléchargements

clever-ruby 2.0.2

The Clever API

253 648 Téléchargements

smooch-api 5.34.1

The Smooch API is a unified interface for powering messaging in your customer experienc...

228 012 Téléchargements

cloudmersive-convert-api-client 2.3.0

Convert files and content between file formats. Convert data between file formats. Inst...

225 265 Téléchargements

keytar 1.5.3

Use Keytar to automatically generate keys based on class name instead of cluttering mod...

204 142 Téléchargements

rustici_software_cloud_v2 4.0.0

SCORM Cloud API V2 Client

188 250 Téléchargements

docspring 1.4.1

Client library for the DocSpring PDF generation and e-signature service

187 071 Téléchargements

konjac 0.3.4

A Ruby command-line utility for translating files using a YAML wordlist

184 946 Téléchargements

rbflagr 1.1.12

Flagr is a feature flagging, A/B testing and dynamic configuration microservice. The ba...

179 110 Téléchargements

docusign_admin 1.3.0

The DocuSign Admin API enables you to automate user management with your existing syste...

166 077 Téléchargements

ghee 0.15.23

A complete, simple, and intuitive ruby API for all things Github.

159 220 Téléchargements

cybersource_rest_client 0.0.61

Simple REST API for the CyberSource Global Payments Platform

146 885 Téléchargements

supernova 0.7.6

Unified search scopes

120 544 Téléchargements

dkron-rb 1.1.0

You can communicate with Dkron using a RESTful JSON API over HTTP. Dkron nodes usually ...

119 771 Téléchargements


Webbynode Deployment Gem

110 180 Téléchargements

purecloud 0.70.1

A Ruby library to interface with the PureCloud Platform API

109 876 Téléchargements

connectwise-ruby-sdk 2.0.3

Ruby gem for interacting with ConnectWise's REST API

99 777 Téléchargements

dynport_tools 0.2.22

Collection of various tools

95 604 Téléchargements

ruby-lol 1.2.0

Ruby wrapper to Riot Games API. Maps results to full blown ruby objects.

93 326 Téléchargements

atrium-ruby 2.10.7

A ruby wrapper for the MX API.

92 133 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 589 133

Pour cette version 298 264



Version de Ruby requise: None
