RubyGems Navigation menu

blueclothの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はblueclothを必要としています

hashdiff 1.1.0

Hashdiff is a diff lib to compute the smallest difference between two hashes.

248,054,700 ダウンロード数

instagram 1.1.6

A Ruby wrapper for the Instagram REST and Search APIs

2,537,118 ダウンロード数

jeweler 2.3.9

Simple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub

1,816,486 ダウンロード数

hex_string 1.0.1

String extensions to convert binary data to / from human readable hex tuples.

894,218 ダウンロード数

RubyApp 0.7.16

A mobile web application framework in Ruby

849,932 ダウンロード数

blather 2.0.0

An XMPP DSL for Ruby written on top of EventMachine and Nokogiri

426,302 ダウンロード数

goliath 1.0.7

Async framework for writing API servers

396,270 ダウンロード数

instagram-continued 1.4.0

A Ruby wrapper for the Instagram REST and Search APIs

231,889 ダウンロード数

ramaze 2023.01.06

Ramaze is a simple and modular web framework

219,041 ダウンロード数

acts_as_markup 2.0.2

Represent ActiveRecord Markdown, Textile, RDoc columns as Markdown, Textile, RDoc objec...

204,126 ダウンロード数

capistrano-slack 1.3.2

Announce capistrano deploys to slack

183,689 ダウンロード数

fire_poll 1.2.0

Simple, brute-force method for knowing when something is ready

140,523 ダウンロード数

typogruby 1.0.18

Improve web typography using various text filters. This gem prevents widows and applies...

136,287 ダウンロード数

preconditions 0.3.0

The Preconditions library provides a simple set of methods for checking arguments being...

129,141 ダウンロード数

modelish 1.0.0

Sometimes you need something just a little modelish.

110,890 ダウンロード数

acts_as_decimal 1.1.1

Rails 3 gem to treat an attribute as a decimal (getting and setting floating-point valu...

103,786 ダウンロード数

integer-obfuscator 0.1.0

Obfuscate 32-bit Integers using a 32-bit block cipher based on SKIPJACK

101,005 ダウンロード数

barney 0.16.0

Barney tries to make the sharing of data between processes as easy and natural as possi...

91,170 ダウンロード数

eventmachine-le 1.1.7

EventMachine-LE (Live Edition) is a branch of EventMachine (

90,100 ダウンロード数

deferrable_gratification 0.3.1

Deferrable Gratification (DG) facilitates asynchronous programming in Ruby, by helping ...

86,150 ダウンロード数

juwelier 2.4.9

Simple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub

83,004 ダウンロード数

attrtastic 0.4.3

Rails view helper for scaffolding show/index pages for objects

78,697 ダウンロード数

rubillow 0.0.8

Ruby library to access the Zillow API

74,527 ダウンロード数

rapper 0.5.1

Static asset packager and compressor with versioning and built-in view helpers. Compres...

73,948 ダウンロード数

formatize 1.1.0

Gem containing the textilize, textilize_without_paragraph, and markdown helper methods ...

71,017 ダウンロード数

quickl 0.4.3

Quickl helps you creating commandline ruby programs. From simple commands with options...

70,853 ダウンロード数

mebla 1.1.14

An elasticsearch wrapper for mongoid odm based on slingshot. Makes integration between ...

69,520 ダウンロード数

mebla 1.1.14

An elasticsearch wrapper for mongoid odm based on slingshot. Makes integration between ...

69,520 ダウンロード数

mebla 1.1.14

An elasticsearch wrapper for mongoid odm based on slingshot. Makes integration between ...

69,520 ダウンロード数

mebla 1.1.14

An elasticsearch wrapper for mongoid odm based on slingshot. Makes integration between ...

69,520 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 4,539,624

このバージョンのみ 4,027,858



必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 1.8.7
