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fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter 3.4.0

Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata

95.886.976 Descargas

fluent-plugin-docker_metadata_filter 0.1.3

Filter plugin to add Docker metadata

356.643 Descargas

fluent-plugin-kubernetes 0.3.1

Output filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata

180.922 Descargas

fluent-plugin-docker_metadata_elastic_filter 0.2.1

Filter plugin to add Docker metadata for use with Elasticsearch

31.274 Descargas

ixtlan-remote 0.2.0

helper sync data between miniapps or communicate wth realtime rest-services

28.307 Descargas

conjur-asset-proxy 0.5.3

Simple HTTP proxy which adds Conjur authentication headers

21.806 Descargas

fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_input 0.21.11

Input plugin to collect Kubernetes metadata

12.751 Descargas

conjur-asset-proxy-api 0.3.0

Simple HTTP proxy which adds Conjur authentication headers

11.537 Descargas

ixtlan-gettext 0.1.3

helper to use fast_gettext with datamapper/ixtlan

10.188 Descargas

aws_session_token 0.6.0

Tool to wrap AWS API to create and store Session tokens so that other commands/tools (e...

9.382 Descargas

fluent-plugin-rancher 0.1.0

Output filter plugin to add rancher metadata

6.846 Descargas

fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter_fix 2.2.0.pre.3

Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata

5.005 Descargas

fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter_v0.14 0.24.1

Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata

4.984 Descargas

fluent-plugin-openshift_metadata_input 0.1.1

Input plugin to collect Openshift metadata

3.743 Descargas

conjur-asset-proxy-basic-demo 0.5.3

Simple HTTP proxy which adds authentication headers from Conjur"

2.946 Descargas

fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter-rh 2.6.1

Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata

2.286 Descargas

fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter_splunk 2.2.0

Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata with custom caching algorithm by Cisco

2.258 Descargas

fluent-plugin-wh-kubernetes_metadata_filter 0.1.0

Filter plugin to add Kubernetes metadata

321 Descargas

Total de descargas 104.319

Para esta versión 35.662



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
