RubyGems Navigation menu

dm-migrationsの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はdm-migrationsを必要としています

ixtlan-audit 0.4.3

audit the controller actions for the current user. log that data into the database and ...

38,557 ダウンロード数

ruby-station 0.1.6

Create, Distribute, and Install Ruby applications easily

36,858 ダウンロード数

sunspot_index_queue 1.1.4

This gem provides asynchronous indexing to Solr for the sunspot gem. It uses a pluggabl...

35,346 ダウンロード数

dm-is-reflective 1.3.2

DataMapper plugin that helps you manipulate an existing database. It creates mappings b...

35,272 ダウンロード数

ixtlan-error-handler 0.4.5

dump errors on filesystem and notify developers, map different errors to specific pages

32,339 ダウンロード数

omf_sfa 0.2.7

OMF's Aggregate manager with SFA and new REST API.

30,872 ダウンロード数

roles_data_mapper 0.3.1

Makes it easy to set a role strategy on your User model in DataMapper

30,648 ダウンロード数

roles_data_mapper 0.3.1

Makes it easy to set a role strategy on your User model in DataMapper

30,648 ダウンロード数

ircbot 0.2.2

An irc bot framework that offers easy-to-use by plugins

29,305 ダウンロード数

sinatra_omniauth 1.3.0

This Sinatra extension, derived from omniauth_pure by Marcus Proske, adds OmniAuth auth...

28,690 ダウンロード数

ixtlan-remote 0.2.0

helper sync data between miniapps or communicate wth realtime rest-services

28,554 ダウンロード数

desviar 0.0.18

Desviar provides URL redirection; some possible applications include: - Web signup proc...

28,088 ダウンロード数

dm-adapter-simpledb 1.5.0

A DataMapper adapter for Amazon's SimpleDB service. Features: * Full set of CRUD ope...

26,383 ダウンロード数

rack-datamapper 0.3.3

this collection of plugins helps to add datamapper functionality to Rack. there is a Id...

25,552 ダウンロード数

orange-core 0.7.1

Orange is a Ruby framework for building managed websites with code as simple as Sinatra

25,390 ダウンロード数

mason-server 0.0.5

builds things

24,208 ダウンロード数

js-client-bridge 0.1.6

Little library that encapsulates a (particular) standardised way of talking between a s...

21,878 ダウンロード数

ruote-dm 2.2.0

datamapper storage for ruote (a workflow engine)

21,373 ダウンロード数

smartdict-core 0.1.4

CLI dictionary created to help you to learn foreign languages.

21,212 ダウンロード数

stockfolio 0.1.7

Track stock portfolio from the command line

21,105 ダウンロード数

dm-maker 1.2.0

initializes resources from YAML data

19,605 ダウンロード数

torquebox-stompbox 0.3.3

StompBox - Git-based deployment console for TorqueBox

19,370 ダウンロード数

ixtlan-optimistic 0.2.4

optimistic find/get on model via updated_at timestamp for datamapper and activerecord

19,081 ダウンロード数

dm-rspec2 0.3.0

RSpec2 matchers for DataMapper

18,547 ダウンロード数

ixtlan-user-management 0.3.1

helper for managing users with login/password via local db or remote rest-services

18,517 ダウンロード数

ixtlan-configuration 0.2.2

configuration for other ixtlan-xyz wth serializer, input-filter and cuba definition

18,273 ダウンロード数

jm81-dm-address 0.5.0

Add address fields to a DataMapper model. This includes optional validations, and addit...

18,047 ダウンロード数

sinatra-dm 0.1.4

Sinatra Extension for working with DataMapper (another Sinatra-Sequel Rip-off)

18,014 ダウンロード数

sras 2.1.6

Asset server for use with OpenSimulator

17,857 ダウンロード数

dm-enum 0.0.3

Enumerated models for DataMapper to cache enumerated values in memory

17,340 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 3,251,559

このバージョンのみ 2,867,669



必要なRubyのバージョン: なし
