RubyGems Navigation menu

event_emitter 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 event_emitter

websocket-client-simple 0.8.0

Simple WebSocket Client for Ruby

5,376,408 下载

arduino_firmata 0.3.7

Arduino Firmata protocol ( implementation on Ruby.

140,269 下载

sinatra-cometio 0.6.0

Comet component for Sinatra RocketIO

122,496 下载 1.2.1

A simple ruby client for Node.js's Socket.IO v1.1.x, Supports only WebSocket.

95,205 下载

sinatra-websocketio 0.4.1

WebSocket component for Sinatra RocketIO

93,456 下载

mattermost-api4-ruby 0.0.10

Mattermost API v4 client for ruby

87,552 下载

rookout 0.1.56

rookout is the Ruby SDK for the Rookout Debugging Platform

70,990 下载

sinatra-rocketio 0.3.3

WebSocket/Comet IO plugin for Sinatra

62,495 下载

sinatra-rocketio-linda 1.1.0

Linda implementation on Sinatra RocketIO

47,321 下载

datawire_mdk 2.0.37

Microservices Development Kit: build your own microservices.

47,021 下载

actionframework 0.3.0

A web framework built on top of Rack, it has the simplicity of sinatra and the structur...

35,017 下载

hybridgroup-firmata 0.4.7

A lib for working with the Firmata protocol in Ruby.

34,448 下载

xrbp 0.2.8

Ruby XRP Tools

31,232 下载

asterisk-ari-client 0.0.8

Ruby client library for the Asterisk REST Interface (ARI).

30,825 下载

em-cometio-client 0.1.1

Sinatra CometIO client for eventmachine

28,356 下载

socket_duplex 1.1.12

Rack middleware that duplexes HTTP traffic

26,485 下载

automation_object 0.8.4

This gem provides a way to create a dynamic usable DSL framework representing your webs...

24,715 下载

sinatra-multi-screen 0.0.7

Sinatra Plugin for Multi-Screen Application.

19,545 下载

em-rocketio-client 0.1.2

Sinatra RocketIO client for eventmachine

19,278 下载

em-rocketio-linda-client 1.1.1

RocketIO Linda client for eventmachine

18,944 下载

arduino_ir_remote 0.1.1

This Rubygem provides a wrapper for IR-Learning-Remote that has been built using the Ar...

18,859 下载

bolt_train_runner 0.3.3

This is a command line tool for talking to the Bolt Train JMRI JSON Server. It includes...

16,527 下载

em-websocketio-client 0.0.4

Sinatra WebSocketIO client for eventmachine

13,056 下载

leapmotion 0.0.4

LeapMotion WebSocket wrapper for Ruby

11,793 下载 0.0.4 client for Ruby

11,116 下载

rancher-shell 0.2.2

A console utility for shelling into Rancher containers

9,280 下载

ruby-cqhttp 0.1.3

一个基于 OneBot 标准的 QQ 机器人框架

8,816 下载

stampery 0.1.3

Stampery API wrapper for Ruby. Notarize all your data using the blockchain!.

8,049 下载

sped2db 1.2.0

Importa registros de arquivos no formato SPED para um Banco de Dados

7,112 下载

vox 0.2.3

Discord library

6,127 下载

下载总量 6,346,477

这个版本 6,089,048


需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
