RubyGems Navigation menu

geokit 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 geokit

audumbla 0.2.1

Metadata enrichment for cultural heritage institutions.

11,634 下載

terragona 0.3.0

Create polygons from geonames places and other sources

11,618 下載

dvb 1.1.0

Query Dresden's public transport system for current bus- and tramstop data

11,289 下載

open_porch 1.0.0

Open Porch is Rails Engine

10,737 下載

cmdrkeene-foursquare 0.0.4

Ruby API for Foursquare (

10,719 下載

found 0.0.3

Find Street Address with CoreLocation

10,658 下載

found 0.0.3

Find Street Address with CoreLocation

10,658 下載

rails_adserver 1.0.2

An adserver for rails

10,187 下載

welements 0.1.3

Ruby API for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather data

9,560 下載

rdcms 1.0.28

This is the Basic Module of Rdcms. It Offers Devise, ActiveAdmin, an Article-Module, a ...

8,870 下載

geokit-nominatim 1.0.1

Nominatim geocoding provider for geokit

8,798 下載

geokit-pretty_heading 0.5.1

Displays a nicely formatted heading in English. See

8,535 下載

campgrounds 0.0.2

Provide a wrapper for the Active Network campground API

8,135 下載

geokit_here_geocoder 0.0.6

Geokit custom geocoder for service

7,964 下載

ArseniysWeatherApp 0.1.4

This gem is searches your location and based on your location ...

7,773 下載

mitamirri 2.0.8

Mitamirri is a Rails engine designed to be a drop-in substitute for (or companion to) G...

7,679 下載

layers_of_london-booth-map_tool 0.2

Booth poverty map tool API for Layers Of London

7,382 下載

sundial 1.0.0

This gem calculates the sunrise and sunset at your current location.

6,970 下載

rclusters 0.2.0

RClusters creates clusters from a points hash using either pixel or surface distance ca...

6,421 下載

noaa 0.2.4

Ruby API for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather data

5,700 下載

geokit-rails3-1beta 0.3.1.beta1

Port of the Rails plugin "geokit-rails" to Rails 3.1.beta1, as a gem

5,673 下載

earth-ruby19 0.2.3

An earth-simulation environment with ActiveRecord models and data

5,359 下載

geo_pack 0.1.0

Geo related services"

4,883 下載

gpx_manipulator 0.2.1

Optimazing and manipulating GPX file data. For my private purposes

4,798 下載

geonozzle 0.0.1

Some extra geocoding and caching smarts atop geokit

4,779 下載

coordinates_transformations 0.0.1

Point and UTM transformations for GeoKit.

4,773 下載

muck-groups 3.0.0

Groups are an assembly of people

4,568 下載


Port of the Rails plugin "geokit-rails" to Rails 3, as a gem

4,557 下載

rpbertp13-dm-geokit 0.9.11

Simple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub

4,500 下載

sequel_mappable 0.0.1

Sequel plugin which provides geo distance-based filters and distance calculation functi...

4,471 下載

總下載次數 20,981,860

這個版本 1,553,928



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.9
