RubyGems Navigation menu

guard-yard 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 guard-yard

vcoworkflows 0.2.1

Ruby implementation of vCenter Orchestrator REST API

20,219 下載

iterm2-viewer 0.0.8

Utility for view images in the terminal. iTerm2-nightly is required

20,025 下載

context-filters 0.11.0

Generic support for filters applied in context

19,838 下載

rzo 0.8.0

Rizzo (rzo) is a tool for working with Vagrant and layered Puppet control repos

18,820 下載

creatable 2.3.1

Mixin adds create, and attribute methods. Use these instead of attr_ and the #create m...

18,474 下載

wialon_api 0.0.8

Simple to use Wialon API client.

18,468 下載

dogtrainer 0.4.2

DEPRECATED - Provides a slightly opinionated wrapper class around DataDog's dogapi to ...

16,202 下載

wikilink-converter 0.2.4

convert [[WikiLink]] to <a></a>

15,975 下載

puppet-moddeps 2.0.0

This gem will allow you to pull in all missing dependencies for a given Puppet modu...

15,612 下載

glib-eventable 0.1.3

This is a helper gem for ruby-gnome2 applications that allows developers to easily conn...

13,312 下載

rrd-grapher 1.0.3

Graphing toolkit for RRD

12,996 下載

abucoins 0.3.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

12,103 下載

expedition 0.4.0

Expedition is an implementation of the cgminer client protocol. It allows you to write ...

12,036 下載

brainfucktt 0.1.2

A Brainfuck interpreter built using Treetop.

11,672 下載

gem-content 1.0.0

Search gems for content directory

11,619 下載

uu 0.2.2


11,487 下載

palimpsest 0.2.0

No web framework, no problem: Palimpsest gives any custom or legacy project a modern wo...

11,360 下載

fancy_logger 0.1.1

# Fancy Logger An easily customizable logger with style. ## Install ### Bundler: `ge...

11,332 下載

telphin_api 1.0.4

A transparent wrapper for Telphin API. Supports ruby-way naming of API methods (without...

11,298 下載

history_file 0.2.1

A File like class that supports versioning by date and has a fallback to older files

10,897 下載

peppercorn 0.0.3

A simple gem to truncate HTML, with other features coming in the future.

10,650 下載

wmctile 0.2.0

Window manager's best friend. In a gem.

10,586 下載

remote-exec 0.6.1

Invoke commands on remote hosts

10,488 下載

microstation 0.8.7

Wrapping of microstation using win32ole to automate and control from ruby

10,358 下載

active_sms 0.2.1

Easily send sms using various sms backends!

10,218 下載

kanina 0.7.0

This is a Rails plugin that makes it easier for your models to communicate via AMQP to ...

10,190 下載

hash_deep_diff 0.8.0

Find the exact difference between two Hash objects

9,694 下載

command-designer 0.9.0

Build command text based on multiple filters

9,260 下載

cacheable_attr 0.1.2

Cache attributes on your objects.

8,556 下載

ashikawa-ar 0.1.3

Deprecated ArangoDB ODM. Go to guacamole instead.

8,377 下載

總下載次數 483,394

這個版本 268,188


Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.9.2
