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holepunch 1.3.0

# holepunch [![Gem Version](]( [![Build Status](]( Holepunch manages AWS EC2 security groups in a declarative way through a DSL. ## Requirements - Ruby 1.9.3 or newer. ## Installation ```bash gem install holepunch ``` or in your Gemfile ```ruby gem 'holepunch' ``` ## Basic Configuration You need to provide your AWS security credentials and a region. These can be provided via the command-line options, or you can use the standard AWS environment variables: ```bash export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='...' export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='...' export AWS_REGION='us-west-2' ``` ## The SecurityGroups file Specify your security groups in a `SecurityGroups` file in your project's root. Declare security groups that you need and the ingresses you want to expose. You can add ingresses using `tcp`, `udp`, and `ping`. For each ingress you can list allowed hosts using group names or CIDR notation. ```ruby group 'web' do desc 'Web servers' tcp 80 end group 'db' do desc 'database servers' tcp 5432, 'web' end group 'log' do desc 'log server' tcp 9999, 'web', 'db', '' end ``` An environment can be specified which is available through the `env` variable. This allows you to have custom security groups per server environment. ```ruby group "#{env}-web" group "#{env}-db" do tcp 5432, "#{env}-web" end ``` Your application may depend on security groups defined by other services. Ensure they exist using the `depends` method. ```ruby depends 'my-other-service' group 'my-service' do udp 9999, 'my-other-service' end ``` You may specify port ranges for `tcp` and `udp` using the range operator. ```ruby group 'my-service' do udp 5000..9999, '' end ``` You can specify ping/icmp rules with `icmp` (alias: `ping`). ```ruby group 'my-service' do ping '' end ``` It can be useful to describe groups of security groups you plan to launch instances with by using the `service` declaration. ```ruby service "#{env}-web" do groups %W( admin #{env}-log-producer #{env}-web ) end ``` ## Usage Simply navigate to the directory containing your `SecurityGroups` file and run `holepunch`. ``` $ holepunch ``` If you need to specify an environment: ``` $ holepunch -e live ``` You can get a list of security groups for a service using the `service` subcommand. ``` $ holepunch service -e prod prod-web admin,prod-log-producer,prod-web ``` You can also get a list of all defined services. ``` $ holepunch service --list ``` ## Testing You can run the unit tests by simply running rspec. ``` $ rspec ``` By default the integration tests with EC2 are not run. You may run them with: ``` $ rspec -t integration ``` ## Authors - Ben Scott ( - Pat Wyatt ( ## License Copyright 2014 Undead Labs, LLC. Licensed under the MIT License:

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  1. 1.3.0 - January 27, 2015 (10 ko)
  2. 1.2.0 - July 08, 2014 (10 ko)
  3. 1.1.0 - July 01, 2014 (10 ko)
  4. 1.0.1 - June 16, 2014 (9,5 ko)
  5. 1.0.0 - June 13, 2014 (9,5 ko)

Dépendances de Runtime (2):

aws-sdk ~> 1.32
thor ~> 0.19

Dépendances de Development (2):

rake >= 0.8.7
rspec ~> 3.0



  • Ben Scott, Pat Wyatt

Total de contrôle SHA 256:

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Total de téléchargements 13 579

Pour cette version 3 332

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 1.9.3
