RubyGems Navigation menu

redis-namespace 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 redis-namespace

taskinator 0.5.1

Simple process orchestration

166,952 下载

gaptool-server 0.8.5

gaptool-server for managing cloud resources

164,381 下载

attentive_sidekiq 0.3.3

This gem allows you to watch the jobs which suddenly dissappeared from redis without be...

159,580 下载

services 9.0.0

A nifty service layer for your Rails app

155,714 下载

rhoconnect 7.6.0

RhoConnect App Integration Server and related command-line utilities

151,931 下载

redis_failover 1.0.2

redis_failover is a ZooKeeper-based automatic master/slave failover solution for Ruby

151,595 下载

rhosync 2.1.17

RhoSync Synchronization Framework and related command-line utilities

151,224 下载

nomo 0.0.50

304 Not Modified Headers made easy.

148,789 下载

govuk_sidekiq 8.0.1

Provides standard setup and behaviour for Sidekiq in GOV.UK applications.

143,331 下载

resque-job_history 0.0.23

Keeps a history of run jobs by job.

113,030 下载

rewritten 0.16.5

Rewritten is a lookup-based rewriting engine that rewrites requested URLs on the fl...

106,270 下载

pageflow-support 17.0.4

Spec support for Pageflow extensions.

103,802 下载

weixin_authorize 1.6.4

weixin api authorize access_token

99,523 下载

resque_stuck_queue 0.5.2

where the wild things are. err, when resque gets stuck

94,394 下载

fairway 0.3.6

A fair way to queue work in multi-user systems.

88,966 下载

jt-rails-toolbox 2.8.1

JTRailsToolbox contains a list of common libs used for Ruby On Rails development.

79,452 下载

trailguide 0.4.7

Perform user experiments and A/B tests in your rails apps

78,586 下载

redis-search 1.0.3

High performance real-time prefix search, indexes store in Redis for Rails application.

77,612 下载

creeper 2.0.2

Creeper is an evented version of Stalker

65,036 下载

sidekiq-repeat 0.2.0

This gem adds recurring jobs to Sidekiq. It is heavily inspired by the sidekiq-dejavu a...

62,809 下载

feature_flagger 2.4.1

Management tool to make it easier rollouting features to customers.

62,264 下载

sidekiq_publisher 5.0.0

Publisher for enqueuing jobs to Sidekiq

61,354 下载

activist 0.0.8

Redis and database based activity stream in Rails 3 applications

59,329 下载

mission_control-jobs 0.2.1

Operational controls for Active Job

55,819 下载

qu-redis 0.2.0

Redis backend for qu

52,562 下载

pseudo_cleaner 0.0.48

A compromise db cleaning strategy between truncate and transactions.

52,088 下载

seo_cache 2.0.0

Specific cache for bots to optimize time to first byte and render Javascript on server ...

50,515 下载

redcrumbs 0.5.1

Fast and unobtrusive activity tracking of ActiveRecord models using DataMapper and Redis

49,132 下载

timberline 0.8.6

Timberline is a simple and extensible queuing system built in Ruby and backed by Redis....

47,799 下载

resque-multi-step 2.0.9

Provides multi-step tasks with finalization and progress tracking

47,156 下载

下载总量 152,337,896

这个版本 7,831,497



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.4

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
